FS: Valentine V1

Yes it does


Nevermind. I’m not funny.

That’s the only number I was able to find on it.

didnt you get this thing like 6-7 years ago? even mine is getting up there in age, ive had it for about 4 years

I don’t think it’s been that long.

Open to cash offers. Not interested in any trades. Thanks.

How new is it? I was gonna buy one for my bf cause he loves mine, I paid $475 brand new last yr. Ill let him know about urs but Im pretty sure he will prolly rather spend the extra 175 so its new with a warranty, but Ill ask:thumbup

$475 brand new?!?!?!
On V1’s website, they MSRP for $400 lol.

+1 WTF

Like I said that was last year lol. I see the price did go down but thats how much I paid last year from V1’s website. I can post a receipt if u want :tongue

Weird I thought they were 399 forever

Is it bad that I almost want you to? Maybe you’re counting shipping and any accessories or warranty too?

They have been since they’ve came out with them.

Post receipt lol

Yah, Im pretty sure I paid 450 for the v1 and the mini display.


Ok ill dig out my receipt and post

they have always been 400 indeed plus shipping. i bought 2 around new years. lol

whoa dumb dumb. i bought mine 4 years ago, 400$ for the Locator. with all the extras i paid 460 for it(travel case, concealed display, hardwire kit, visor mount, suction cup replacements)

you got raped. did you happen to buy your V1 from a guy in a white van like your Bf and his stereo equipment :rofl

the V1 has cost 400$ for the unit, window mount and 12v wire for as long as i can remember.

haahahahahahah :lol

Well first Im not dumb, and second thats how much I paid, did I ever say the $475 was what I paid without shipping?? No. $475 included shipping and extras just like u paid, I think I may have even paid for faster shipping. So I didnt get raped, and I didnt buy from a white van:retardclap

Firstly please dont call me dumb, cause Im not :). I just called V1 and had them fax me my invoice, I paid $423 all together. I thought it was $475, but still I paid over $400 for it all together. Sorry if I had the amount wrong, I thought for some reason I paid $475, good thing I didnt cause I was starting to think I got took on the price I paid lol:lol

yeah patty the dumb dumb, 399 + 24$ shipping = 423 :clap

can i still reach you at 698-2725? or 395 7530