FS: Valentine V1


Might wanna post up which version it is as well, and if it’s ever been sent in for any updates.

Word, just post the serial # plz.

may be interested in this. Would like to know the version as well.

Interested in this as well , post up version

OP I think you should post up the version. Just a suggestion, it seems like a popular inquiry.

Excuse me I would like to know the version, interested, thank you.

Do you know what version it is? I’d like to know. I’m interested.

I’m not interested anymore but I’d still like to know the version. Thanks.

Well I’m interested.

Jason text me the deal.I will pay cash asap

Dont lie. You have no cash. You just bought a busted ass WRX you should fix, remember…

And I still have cash to blow bitch

what version would this be?

pipe down over there singh

There should be a number on the unit referring to the firmware and build, not sure what’s it called, but I would like to know what it is.

Apparently you guys want to know the serial number, 5672590336. I haven’t sent it out for any updates.

Returned pm’s and Sean check your text messages.

wait, so thats the serial number? or is it the serial code?

That thing is a really early build. damn :rofl

So does the serial number tell me the version or…?