FS: Valentine 1

I have a Valentine 1 radar detector that was given to me by a friend after I got two tickets in one day driving his car . It is a v1.7(I think) but I can not read the serial number that is on it. The label that the serial number is on seems to have come loose under the protective plastic and has slid down a little so you can only see the top half of the numbers. It does NOT come with the power cords or anything, JUST the radar detector. If it means anything, this is the actual unit that Dado used in the Mischief series before he upgraded to the 1.8w/POP.

Price: $225 B/O

hmm…good deal ill keep in touch

I will be in Buffalo for New Years if that helps at all. For specific dates, PM me. Otherwise I can ship if needed.

Great price.

lol Dados V1 GLWS


where is the power cords?

No one else thinks this sounds sketchy as hell?

A friend “gave” it to me.
No power cords.
No serial #.

Oh, and this:
http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22305 (post #7)

What was your screen name before you changed it DrImodium because of the scammer rep?

Still in the car he stole it out of?

like i want a v1 but sounds sketchy


hey at least he scratched the serial in case the original owner had it written down…

despite that thread, this V1 was my friends ( ill give u his name if u want to buy) the V1 HAS a serial number, its just not visible, its not like someone scratched it out or something lol. For those interested, i bet the reason the power cords are gone is because most people, who spend 300+ on their radar detector will hard wire it, not drag a phone line across my windshield view lol.

how much is it to update one of these bad boys?

Older ones I think it is $200
New ones are much cheaper.

If a serial is provided you can throw it into here and get an estimate

This the same one?

Upgrade cost is

PRICE: $189 plus shipping

You can use version 1.7, serial number is 0839020488 to check the site

I got the number of another 1.7 for sale thread on another site

The site also says:
"*INSTANT UPGRADE: As soon as we receive your old unit (in operable condition with no tampering of the serial number) we’ll exchange it for a brand-new, current-production V1. This is our way of assuring you’ll be without V1 protection for the shortest time. "

There were no power cords when my friend (Derek) bought it off of Emory University’s car club forums because the kid he bought it from had it hardwired in his E46 M3 and needed the cash that day for an unknown reason (in addition to another $25k). I was given this V1 from Derek when I got pulled over in his car twice on the way to CMP (Carolina Motorsports Park) a couple months ago going to a NASA event. The serial number IS there its just not 100% legible by me as the sticker has somehow slid down under the protective plastic so only the upper half of the numbers are visible. I HAVE contacted V1 about this and they said if I open the case to move the sticker back up so you can see it perfectly, I run a chance of ruining the unit and it wouldnt be eligible for the instant updated so Ive left it alone.

I dont have a use for this right now and could use the money more than the V1 which is why I am selling it. If I WERE to keep it, the I WOULD send it in to V1 to get updated and have the serial number re-glued so you can actually see it. If needed Im sure I can find a power cord at the dollar tree and cig plug on ebay and include it in the sale at an additional cost.

This isnt a scam. Its a V1. Ive never used it and dont have a use for it. If you were to look at it, you would see that it is as described. If you want it, fine. If not, fine. Its just as easy to throw it up on Ebay but there is always someone looking for one of these on here.

Please take the bullshit and :gtfo:


This is why the serial number has been left alone. I was told it is $175 for the update but maybe the upped their prices :gotme:

ah, you and Derek = nuts, I could never part with my v1!


LOLZ not a scam yet you’re a huge thief who is known to have stickey fingers…

GLWS maybe you can find an idiot who wants to buy stolen shit, fuckin scammer…

I bought a V1 from EvilSRT on here. Worth the extra $75 for overnight shipping, a newer version, an intact serial number and no sketchiness. :tup: