FS: Valentine One Radar

I bought a car with this radar wired into the car. I do not like radar detectors so I have this one for sale now. I did some research and these go for ruffly around 400$ asking 300$ for it. If you plan on wiring this into your car I have the wire for it but if not you need a new wire. Could Try Circuit City Custom Works, or darryls car aduio a audio place would be the best bet for it. Radar does work. so yupp its up for grabs

bump…but circuit city and all those named stores wont have the V1 power cord, you have to contact valentine for one i believe, something with the different power handling of different detectors…a friend of mine used a power cord from a V1 on his beltronics and melted the internals of it…idk maybe it was faulty…if im wrong some one chime in

i thought they were standard phone cords

they are but you need something to plug into the cig adapter

get the number off the back

Just use any standard phone cord and hardwire into an existing switched 12v source and your golden for V1, you do not need the adapter.

Yes that would be a easy way to do it. Like i said i do have a cord but it was wired into my car so buyng a new ten dollar cord would be the best way to do things.

good deal for great radar detection. bump

whats the update on it? pop? i dont know too much about them but i think there are different updates etc.

This is from his other thread:

Serial Number: 2384610321

Looks like this model is very old, they want 279 alone just to upgrade it.

Upgrade Recommendation: We’re uncomfortable now with the Ka performance of these early “superwide” units. We’ve made major steps up in Ka since then, and Ka alerts are now numerous. If you value performance, we advise upgrading. You will also enjoy far fewer Ka false alarms. Upgrades add our latest front-and-rear laser warning; also “internal” Mode Memory, LEDs for band identification, and POP Protection and Euro Mode.

wrong. that is the serial number.2384610322 is the number.

double thread?

no they were two completly different sellers

not so much


yeah i just noticed this cuz i was in parts and i thought i was in misc. jake your retarded lol

i thought you meant the other 9 people selling this radar

is that like ruffle potato chips? :lol:

funny haha … no!