FS: Verizon LG VX6100

My Girlfriend got boned on some BS with the verizon store on nfb… she has a brand new in the box LG VX6100 Verizon phone with charger, battery, leather case that she doesnt need but had to pay for, sooo we’re selling it… its a pretty sweet phone, would be a great upgrade.

they sell for about $150 on ebay… if somebody gives me somewhere near that its all yours…

may be interested next week rent > me this week - if its still for sale

fuck that shit, verizon is :mamoru:. cingular is obv best

however that phone is pretty dope, and the sellers are ok people too i guess :gay2:

my 6100 has been drown once and dropped slews of times, i love it

keeps right on ticking, and the only place it doesnt get reception is in my house (and neather does anyone elses phone for that matter)

:tup: to a great phone at a fair price

yea, i’m negotiable as well… just trying to recoup cash for the woman :stuck_out_tongue:

this phone is evolve approved. they sell for $50 w/2 year, so $250 outside of your contract. $150 for this phone is a steal.

verizon on the blvd wanted to charge me $350 outside my contract. This is a great deal and a great phone…
BTW evolve you know if the razor will come out to verizon?

i’d highly doubt it. the RAZR, along with most of the sweet phones, are GSM only.

ive heard rumors of a cdma razr. but due to the success of the razr a lot of other companies including sanyo, are coming out with cdma verzions.