FS: Virginity??

she said on stern she alread had oral experirnce both ways but anal was a possibility also.

I digress, your mom never complained once about anal :dunno:

is that a taxable item?

it could be considered a charity

wrong, charity is were you give not take away.

charity, chastity, meh, just a few letters away.

She is not even HOT. I’m sick of hearing about this girl.
There’s hotter trannys on penn ave

Quit promoting your second job, trick.

True story about it being a capitalist society. As for empowering women? I’d beg to differ.

fuck we should all pitch up a couple buck and run the train lol

Who wants to bet this will be recorded? That would add more $$$$ to the final number. Thats what she should do if she was smart.

sure doesn’t look like a virgin to me

aside from Paul, what does a virgin look like?


Just sayin

Good thing she’s getting that degree in psychology. She’s going to need it.

:rofl: at this thread. Ain’t no whore worth $1 million.

#34 1320 is worth a million.

You all fail to see from 2008

was there a follow up on what she went for and did she get nailed

Nice to see dead threads come alive… and nice BB gun to btw.