fs: Work Emotion CR KAI wheels

:facepalm and you made it seem like you already got one, pipe dream

hahahahaha…was thinking same thing

deff not a pipe dream, im a lil short for what they go for but GermanPSI and psi2high keep texting me links of ones they find so i might sell my bike this spring and then just turn around and scoop one so im pretty sure one will be in my garage soon

sorry for the misleading info, fixed

bump, some one buy these

youre gonna need more than that ctotch rocket


bump, updated with pics


some one buy these

I tried flagging this on craigslist but it didnt work

leave it to you you elf

Yea thats right UP YOURS


get in Sean

think these will fit the mustang?

free bump :lol

o defiantly


some one buy these f*#% wheels