fs: X2 1000$ Gift certificate


i have (x2) gift certificates for www.infinityshoppingnetwork.com Each are worth 1000$ a piece.

I dont really want/need anything on this site, but if i had an Ipod id probably get some stuff of here or if i had the time to go on a trip or cruise, id use it too! But i dont. And i already have most electronics or kitchen stuff or w/e else they offer on here. i dont really want to cluter my room up with more stuff! i jsut did a clean up and got rid of all my old stuff and a lot of it was like the stuff on this site.

So take a look around on the site, if you see anything you want, you have 1000$ or 2000$ to spend on here.


These are legit gift certs! No bs. but id rather try and get something for it before they expire and go to waste…maybe someone has more interested in the things they offer?

250$ each or both for 450$ OBO.

Drop me a pm if interested. I dont want these to go waste…make me an offer or something! Be a shame if these dont get used…

pen is on the certificate to hide the code so no one can use it :slight_smile:


you need a pass code to view the site

I think you got these from a possible recent car purchase?

Pretty good deal guys, go for it.

So, what can you buy from X2? Have you shopped there? Can I hold you accountable for endorsing this sale?

Edit (thanks smokin240)

So, what can you buy from ISN? Have you shopped there? Can I hold you accountable for endorsing this sale?

x2 means he has TWO gift certificates from Infinity Shopping…