FS:Xbox 360 + Games + a little more

ok so i want to get cingular…and yeah they want deposit. so i don’t play this thing at all so it needs to go asap…

here is what it has with it… pics speak for themselves…

any questions pm me…

looking to get about 550 for it… thats kinda fair considering an extra HDD is 100 plus just for madden and nhl those are 60 bucks a piece both brand new.


i would keep the xbox and just get cricket. lol

offer 4 billzzz.

meh i was thinking cricket… but that won’t work in texas when i go there… id rather get something that is nationwide? like cingular. or t-mobile… im more of a gsm fan i guess only cause if i break it i can just swap it out and buy an ebay phone and not have to worry about cdma…

plus i never use this… i bought it after they updated it with the heating issues…
has sat ever since… i played nhl 1 time

so the system with the extra hard drive is $550 and the games are $60 a piece?? that what your asking??

its 550 for everything i was saying 550 is a fair price considering what i have thats what i thought anyways

Note to you :

you can buy CDMA phones off e-bay also

tempted to buy a 360 again… hmm

if it is still around at the end of the month i will make an offer.

offer $350 for the system, controller(s), and maybe NHL, then you can sell off the rest as you need be…don’t really have any use for the other games (except tiger woods) or the extra hdd

lemme know…im leaving kinda soon lol

GLWS, people wouldn’t even buy mine with an extra controller and 2 games for $400…

id rather sell it as a whole… plus i dunno im more partial to gsm anyways… cingular always gets the best phones… them and t-mobile… but i like cingulars service

thanks for the bumps tho guys…

how is verizon anyways? i gotta put down 500 for cingular… so no looking to have my credit run again…

holy shit 500 deposit just to get a cell phone?

If cingular wants $500 then verizon would want $1000. Have you tried sprint? Most of the time they only want $150.

meh its cause i have a lack of established credit thats all my credit doesn’t suck i just don’t have any established… but i want cingular…i have nextel currently.

if it doesn’t sell im just gonna ebay it… if not there then im just gonna break down and get the X2VGA and use it with my pc.

Does it come with Superman the game?

?wtf? they made a game out of that?

maybe i can sell that slot machine too… hmm…


Seriously though, this is a pretty good deal for everything. If I didn’t already have one, I’d probably pick this up.


thanks… yeah its not that bad a deal…i will make you a deal addicted… i will sell it to you for 500 and i look at your rx-7… hows that? lol

EDIT: i wanna sit in it… never sat in one… or really seen one up close… lol

k bump for $525 dollars… i need this gone asap… if you find it a home i give you 25 dollars! so that way i got my deposit for cingular and you get 25 for getting it sold for me!

again 25 dollar finders fee…!