As most know i upgraded to the elite so i have a bunch of doubles of stuff laying around so if any one wants some shit its all obo but save the low balling for a guy with lower blood pressure.
20gig hdd- (its clear like brand new after i transferred all my data over) $50
forza2/marvel ult alliance- decent games brand new took of the plastic to make sure they are both there - SOLD
wired mic - (they are 20 at best buy) $5
Component cables - (40 at best buy) SOLD
2 Play and Charge kits - cord and battery pack $10 each ONE LEFT
GTA4 Faceplate - $5
Lego Batman - played once beat it SOLD
White wireless controller - used still in great condition SOLD
Rock Band 1 Game only - SOLD
i also have an extra data transfer wire microsoft sent me so if any one is looking to upgrade you can just come get it instead of waiting 3 weeks for microsoft to send you one
I can upload pictures but you all know what this stuff looks like. if you want it all we can work out a lower price for the package.