I have an extra (working) Xbox 360 laying around that I dont need anymore since ill be moving. I am willing to mod it to play burned games if someone wants it for that. It has a Samsung drive in it for those who want to know. There is no warranty on it. Console + Power & A/V cables only.
I dont know what i want for this so shoot me an offer or any interesting trades.
I’ll take the hard drive if willing to separate.
i dont think he has a HD to include, only a system with power and av cables… does this have hdmi?
unfortunately, there’s no hard drive included or HDMI 
you have a rough asking price?
kinda wanna get rid of this thing lol. anyone interested?
will sell for $100 if someone picks this up tonight??
good seller, someone pick this up!
PM’s replied. still for sale right now
not hijacking but i got a 20gb hard drive if whoever buys this wants it…glws