Fun with Integral Calculus, or I'm totally not getting laid.

Im taking DE next semester theoretically, unless i can take it at HVCC over the summer. Math is WAY easier over there.

Jesse, to answer your question: Because I suck at math. I suck less now than ever, but I still suck. I’m not stupid, but there are KIDS like 18 years old SLEEPING in my calc 2 class. One kid has skipped a class already! That’s how bored they are. There are some people who just “get” math and its really easy for them. These people should be punched in the face repeatedly.

My pencil lead is molten. My palm sweaty. A cloud of graphite hovers in the air. I’m both trying to write everything down, AND follow it. I have trouble doing both. The professor explains very little, and what he does, he does in proofs. Wonderful, just what I needed some generalized to death concept Newton and a fistfull of people understand.

My “apples” analogy is the chain rule. Explained like that it is quite simple. keep telling me its dY/dX = (dY/dU)(dU/dX) and ill never “get it”.

I find math professors are always spectacular at math and terrible at teaching. Probably because they are the kind of people who like math.