Fun with Integral Calculus, or I'm totally not getting laid.

tooks stats and said NO MORE

Couldn’t resist taking a crack at it… I got the same thing.

Ha im starting Actuarial Mathematics at UAlb next semester…guess this is what im in for

I am startled by the amount of people on here who can do calculus. Its actually quite refreshing. I thought the level was a LOT lower than that around here.

I am in calc 2 but I have never really “got” calc one, and I took it about 7 years ago. I’m kinda “getting it” now.

It’s one thing to be able to “do it” it’s quite another to really understand what it all means. Integral calculus is the foundation of all engineering and science. It’s amazingly powerfull and something I need to be WAY better at. I’m working on it.

im looking foward to understanding this shit, i actually like math

Wish I could help you, I switched out of Advanced Placement Calculus AB (the course dkid is in) to take College Accounting (I think the equivalent of ACC 112). Calc was too abstract for me, I like the down-to-earth, more applicable math we learn in Accounting. Plus ACC 112 can transfer as an elective credit for Fordham next year (would count as a normal credit, but I’m going for Business Administration, so they wanted all of the business courses I’ll get credit for to be taught by a Fordham professor :rolleyes: )

as a Sociology major, I say fuck that shit, but good for you bro. It really is an accomplishment to actually understand the hows and whys of calculus

Here is another question

Find the integral of sinx/cosx

How’d you make it all the way to 2nd semester of jr year of BSME without doing Calc 2 by now?!

I made it to Diff Eq…and bailed on engineering. No I dont understand any of it. :rofl

Fuck. This. Shit.

Im taking DE next semester theoretically, unless i can take it at HVCC over the summer. Math is WAY easier over there.

Jesse, to answer your question: Because I suck at math. I suck less now than ever, but I still suck. I’m not stupid, but there are KIDS like 18 years old SLEEPING in my calc 2 class. One kid has skipped a class already! That’s how bored they are. There are some people who just “get” math and its really easy for them. These people should be punched in the face repeatedly.

My pencil lead is molten. My palm sweaty. A cloud of graphite hovers in the air. I’m both trying to write everything down, AND follow it. I have trouble doing both. The professor explains very little, and what he does, he does in proofs. Wonderful, just what I needed some generalized to death concept Newton and a fistfull of people understand.

My “apples” analogy is the chain rule. Explained like that it is quite simple. keep telling me its dY/dX = (dY/dU)(dU/dX) and ill never “get it”.

I find math professors are always spectacular at math and terrible at teaching. Probably because they are the kind of people who like math.

+Eleventy ZILLION to this whole post. Seriously.

Just got a little nostalgic taste of my freshman and sophomore year frustration. shudder

Kudos to you for sticking with it.

Still have no idea who you are, btw, but I like your moxie.

Wait you don’t know who I AM? ROTFLMAO.

Let’s just say its a good thing you and micky didn’t go out together in the last run group at the glen.

We are TOTALLY shrink wrapping a certain E30.

Mr. Garrisons.

Or that you have a ferrari flag.

Or a neighbor with a 454 Dually.

I made your sunroof panel pretty!

Oh weak, I guessed you were Lawler in the other thread.

And Tom made my sunroof pretty. :blbl: You just heckled.

I thought you had already finished undergrad which is what threw me. I’m with ya now. Proceed. :shifty

Heckling is really my greatest skill. I stick to what I’m good at.

No argument here. :rofl

+1 on calc being important for engineering (this was a nice refresher, I see OsoiNA6 thought to so too). Otherwise it’s a big waste of time.

+eleventy zillion and one. I’ve only had one good math teacher.

integral of sinx/cosx is the integral of tanx which is an identity you just memorize.

Calc2 is the hardest IMO :ohnoes

Indeed tungsten lol, there are like 10 integrals that you just have to know. Fortunately some are close to oppopsits. f’(cosx) = -sinx and the integral of sinx = -cosx +C . Its all alot easier if you know your trig identities and double angle formulas too.

I dont remember shit from Advanced Math/regents classes in HS. F that.