Fun with Integral Calculus, or I'm totally not getting laid.

I have another question I’m struggling with. Anyone care to help?

The integral of (x^2+x^-2)

I know the answer, I just don’t know what to do after I get to:


i get y=2/5(x^5/2)+3/5(x^5/3)+c

Is that right???

My computer says


uhhh i don’t know how to do this if you mean (x^(2 +(x^-2))

if you mean (x^2+x^-2) it’s easy.

(1/3)X^3 - (1/x)

Thanks Tungsten. I got that eventually. It was easy, I was over complicating it.


God bless you peoples.

If you think this stuff is hard, don’t take Number Theory. I’m taking a cryptography course right now and its all number theory, I want to die. But learning how to crack encrypted stuff is cool as hell.

Calc 2 is generally regarded as the most difficult math class. Most people say DE is easier than Calc 2 even though it is using both Calc 1&2 with multiple equations. Basically all math is based on Algebra, Trig, and Calculus. I’m sure the number theroy class while conceptually abstract, is based on these 3.

My engineering classes are cumbersome basic algebra generally. With numbers that are always 10, 10x10^9, or 10x10^-8. Sometimes even the decimal point can kill you.

Fluid mechanics was calc heavy, but a senior class too. Nasty numbers here, and nasty equations. I have a helpfull 26 page handout where ONE formula is derived. lol. Glad to be done with that.

Now im taking an engineering class with calc AND silly large and small numbers. I even have an equation with a silly small decimal to the 4th power, so i need to store it in my calculator or it will influence the outcome heavily.

I put a LOT of time into calc this weekend. I have learned a lot, but I still have a long way to go. I have more to do tonight once I got motivated enough to start.

The actual number theory class (which i have not had, but a friend took) is all proofs. Proving all sorts of basic math concepts. Not much real ‘math’ and lots of theory and letters. I got a number theory ‘in a nut shell’ series of lessons and it was terrible, but it did help to explain a majority of the concepts that we deal with in crypto.

Nothing will match up to the work load of my Software Engineering class tho, thank god thats over.

Not to slight your number theory class in any way, I think it’s a fascinating course I will NEVER ever ever be taking. I’m very interested but not biting.

I have always been fascinated by the pure mathematical units, one not conceived based on some man-based metric.

For example the radian is a perfect unit. Interesting in its own right. A degree is just something we made up, but a radian, It’s something on it’s own.

The Fahrenheit scale is retarded, based on nothing at all. Celsius is a better crack at it, 0-100% based on water phase at our esoteric pressure. Better but still not pure.

And what about time? What is a second? 9 192 631 770 revolutions of cesium 133. Oh yeah there is something I can put in my pocket. You know me always a slave to the cesium 133, working me to the bone. There must be a base unit of time out there somewhere. something that makes sense.

Anyone else with me here?

Am taking number theory ATM.

Also took fluid mechanics, fun.

Ditto on that, my friend took it and she hated it, and she does math for fun.

Definitely, I actually just found out there is a metric system of time that is still in seconds but there are 100 seconds in a minute and 100 minutes in an hour and 10 hours in a day. Seconds are slightly shorter because there is now 100,000 seconds in a day whereas there was 86400 before. Its alot more basic and actually pretty cool. Are any of you guys at RPI? Ill probably be going there in the fall. Tuition will be less than half the face value when all said and done. I wanna play football and join the autox club. Anyway ive actually gotta do my calc hw now.

who in here actually gets laid on a daily basis
