Funny Google Page

Go to Google’s main page and type in, without the quotes, “french military victories” then hit I’m Feeling Lucky instead of search…



haha funny

welcome to last year


Doesn’t work anymore.

wow you have to be kidding me…so old

Thank you for your spirited contribution to the thread. At least attempt to be funny. Or you can just continue to be a waste which you are obviously very skilled at judging by your past posts

Yes, I am kidding you. :spank:

Proof please that this has already been posted? Just curious

if it wasnt for the French, many of you would be living in flats instead of apartments and we’d all take lifts intstead of elevators.

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: all hail the french

free saddam also

If it wasn’t for us, the French would now be the Kraut :rofl: