Oh shit. now you did it.

Drugs, sex and Rock & Roll, long live the US!

Perma ban :mwahaha

Up with Russia!!!
And USA!!!

I’m going to learn Russian as a second language so I can call Vlad’s house. Then, maybe his parents won’t check their cable and make sure it’s working.

In Soviet Russia smiley’s add you.

seriously though… down with fuckin france :confused

ya fuk france

freedom fries FTMFW France can go shave an armpit.

i want to move to germany ooooooooo auto bahn

Germany has done nothing good…nor will they eva! :rofl


dont get me wrong, germany is awesome. But I would hope there is something more substantial than…the autobahn, to lure you there. at least the beer or something

How about progressive govt. no speed limits, fucking nurburgring and the nordschleife. Best f-1 drivers ever. Should i keep going? Touring cars? Hans fucking stuck sorry no unglots on the keyboard.

sar·casm /ˈsɑrkæzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sahr-kaz-uhm]


  1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
    [Origin: 1570–80; < LL sarcasmus < Gk sarkasmós, deriv. of sarkázein to rend (flesh), sneer; see sarco-]

MMMMMM i’m the king of sarcasm. :banana But i had to throw those out there because those would be enough to keep me happy.

agreed, and warstiener, and spaten are sooooo tasty. ;D

hmm…i miss germany… maybe I will go back

I think its funny that people say fuck France when they have no idea why they are saying it, but since they hear people saying it they jump on the bandwagon.

hairy women, hatred towards americans, giant pussies (military wise), gay fashions… fuck france!