Reporting from Europe

i am posting here before checking my e-mail even… how much of a sad sack am i?

first off, its extremely difficult to type because the keys are in different places… the ‘z’ and the ‘y’ are changed and all the little puncuation shits are changed around… fukk austrian kez boards…

been to paris for a bit, saw le tour eiffel et la cathedral de notre dame.

note to everyone, there are NO white people in Paris… thez are all lebonese or armenian or something terroristy… that and like a billion-ish blacks… not light, syd-mytsa black, i mean like super african blue black… its pretty wicked.

never seen chinese people speak french before…

eveything smells like pee and u gotta pay $1 euro to use the toilets, but some guy checks out the toilet right after u use it… he either works there or he’s a monster pervert.

its sooo expensive to eat or do anything really…

$40 euro’s for a 10 minute cab ride, thats like $60 or something…

$1.80 euro’s or more for a can of fukking coke… eat a dick Europe.

the weather is much better though, its wicked here in Austria, jsut got into Graz and kicking it at an internet cafe

i’ll have pics up later

peace out for a few days… no body die or crash or anything until i get backs.

You’re on your honeymoon and this is what you deem your best use of time?

Now get off the computer and go learn your new wife a lesson!

why did you buy coke in paris your supposed to buy orangina guy

when i went i drank so much orangina since its ontap i exploded

hehe welcome to Europe Bing… Stuff is expensive, but that’s just how it was always down there. I hope you are still having a great time though.

Austria is awesome as well, I used to live in Vienna before I moved here. I can’t say that I don’t miss it every now and then. So if you get a chance stop by Vienna for a day or two, I think you’ll like it :slight_smile:

You buy Fanta dawg, not Orangina :stuck_out_tongue:
And 40 euro is prolly like 80-90 CAD, not 60. Cabbie pwned your ass :lol:

jeez man, i gotta give my nuts a rest every now and again… i highly doubt u can go for 17 days straight either…lol

nah man the rate is like 1.5x

i just bought $135 euros for $200 cdn.

we just met with my mother in law here to show us around in downtown Graz for the day, been walking for hours.

i havent had a decent sleep or shit in 3 days and counting… spent 17 hours straight on trains from Paris to Graz… leaving on thursday, going to try and break into the red bull factory in Salsburg since we gotta be there anyways… then going to try and do the same at ferrari in Modena… hello another 17 hours on the train…

i’m on redbull 2 this afternoon, gotta try and stay up until about 10 or so and get my hours back to sorta normal… but i have a feeling the redbull will keep me hyped for only an hour or so but keep me up much much longer… too long in fact


Weren’t you crying like a bitch, when you thought BAS called you a derogatory term?

Get off the computer and enjoy your trip and satisfy your wife.


and note, the Paris subway system also smells like urine and feces. Mostly because those two ingredients are smeared on the walls at any given time.

Paris FTL.

hahaha bingy you make me laugh! sounds like youre having a great time too!


Weren’t you crying like a bitch, when you thought BAS called you a derogatory term?

Get off the computer and enjoy your trip and satisfy your wife.


one day ur all for it, the next u arent…

have ur period somewhere else please.


Weren’t you crying like a bitch, when you thought BAS called you a derogatory term?

Get off the computer and enjoy your trip and satisfy your wife.


one day ur all for it, the next u arent…

have ur period somewhere else please.[/quote]


so what’s next on the destination station?

well, and thank you for getting back on topic,

i met a new uncle (graz is all family stuff) and it turns out he serves a dual roll at Magna Steyr here in Graz. Magna Steyr here deisgns then pitches BMW and Audi on one-off concepts for existing vehicles…

one thing he does is lead teh concept design team… not only did he show me their concept renderings for the concept Audi TT and the new Z4 BMW but he actually has the BMW concept in his driveway…

i snapped a few pics of the hardtop Z4 coupe concept today and we are taking it out on friday before i leave… its black, but the new roof is grey… it has new tails as well… not srue if pics have been leaked yet.

there is more exciting stuff but i’ll wait to see if it pans out before i post about it.

Venice then Modena are next, starting friday

Sounds like your having fun bro. Europe it totally the place to be! Since you are going to Italy you should extend your trip and check out the Greek islands…ladies love the Greek islands! Anyway have fun bro, don’t spend too much time behind the comp. Vacations go by fast enough as it is don’t waste time doing something else. Post pics when you get back. Now get out there and explore Europe.

i only get 40 minutes or so on the comp each day… its far less than usual and as mentioned… gotta take a break every now and again from u know what…


Post pics of this concept car.


i dont have a USB cable here nor do i have my laptop so i cant do anything about it until i get home.

yes we are doing honeymoon-ish stuff as well but i dont wanna bore u guys with that crap

What are you kidding?..Those are the pics we are waiting to see!

This is my impression of bing right now

“aright women you’ve had enough”

“bing lets cuddleee”

“hell no biatch i gotta go on son and sell multilink”

“i hate you :(”

“don’t worry we’re in paris”

u see any posting by me in my vendor section?


i snapped more pics and shot some video of the Z4… i got to rip it through some austrian twisties while my uncle filmed it…

sasha, i will make u insanely jealous if things go as planned on monday… trust me.