Hopefully that will change soon.
I hope they get this worked out. cheap limitless electricity would rock. Hello 100% electric cars.
This is one of the more exciting prospects for our near future, in my opinion. It seems as though this technology has passed the imagination stage and is banking right now on all of those brilliant minds for a single “eureka” moment. As soon as this happens, as stated, the world will be completely changed. So much chaos in this world has been created by the continuous search to create and use energy.
After this project is successful, i don’t think that miniaturization would be too far in its shadow. A miniature power source that creates virtually limitless energy… imagine space travel?
cool stuff.
As long as it wont go supernova or what ever our sun will do in whatever amount of years I’m all for it.
its mind bottling (yes, my mind is in a bottle) when i think about what it takes to actually make all the machinery that goes into that project.
fuck. my mind has been blown
I just watched a video on this last night actualy. it looks pretty fucking cool.
How much real enery does it take to get some hydrogen isotopes to a hundred million degrees?
A couple of OTM reactors in series?
Here’s actual footage
Thats the plan
There is a facility right here in Rochester is doing similar work. The Laboratory for Laser Energetics, its part of the U of R. I co-op’d there for a year or so, that was 10+ years ago. They have since built a new, larger laser system.
Its all pretty cool, but it seems like a LONG ways off until this could be a real energy producing system. I believe they have achieved ignition, the real challenge is keeping it going.
Bump! Lockheed makes a breakthrough: Compact Fusion | Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin Corp said on Wednesday it had made a technological breakthrough in developing a power source based on nuclear fusion, and the first reactors, small enough to fit on the back of a truck, could be ready in a decade.