"The truth about hydrogen"

This is pretty cool.


Please never post again…

excellent article.

this is way cooler


I think a year or so back my dad was talking about them using some sort of new cutting technique that involved water, I think it’s the same thing. It’s good to see new ways of producing energy and those cutting and welding techniques are finally coming out.

Not bad, Its an advertisment though.

ok… so you’d rather read about it in teh paper???

i’m not trying to get anyone to buy anything, just showing what ‘else’ is out there… not many people know that water could power cars and cut through steel in seconds while keeping cool to the touch… next time i’ll post some third party BS about it … :hsugh:

Are we not supposed to post ads?

Not trying to be devils advocate here or anything, but so are a lot of peoples sigs. :dunno:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Here’s a stretch:

  1. Global warming causes oceans to rise.
  2. More liquid water available at US coastline is sucked up to crack into hydrogen and oxygen.
  3. Distribution of hydrogen and oxygen into infrastructure, like natural gas is today.
  4. byproduct is water vapor, which is absorbed back into the atmosphere and creates clouds and rain.
  5. clouds and rain produce valuable crops.

win-win if they can find/have found a catalyst to crack H2O into constituents that requires less input (or possibly gained from alternative/renewable) energy than the old electrolysis process (which requires more energy than burning hydrogen with oxygen to form water).

eh…you figure hydrogen is just about the most abundant resource on the face of the planet and it’s in almost everything…someone needs to develop a device to extract hydrogen from most liquids and turn it into some type of fuel

No it is the most abundant in the universe. Its not found free in the planet, it escapes the atmosphere.

Read deeper into what i posted…Water for example…covers a lil over 70% of the earth…find a way to efficiently extract the hydrogen out of water and you have a extremely cheap gas alternative…but also…if there is a car accident I’m sure the area would get the effects of a nuke going off…if you think logically…and calculate how much hydrogen could be extracted just from the water that covers the earth…then it becomes the most abundant…just electrolysis is slow as hell and there isn’t really a good way to split water at higher speeds right now