Fusion Power here we come!


The National Ignition Facility

This thing just makes me plain excited. The possibilities are incredible and could change the world we know. Cheap limitless energy would change everything we know about economics and politics.

Supposedly they hope for ignition in may to prove it can work. :tup:

I hope they fuck up and cause the end of the world somehow.


The Saint starring Val Kilmer?


cold fusion buddy.

I think I am the only one who pays any attention to movies.

I have no clue how this actual process works, but it sounds promising.

I still believe we will see workable fusion energy within 20 years.

^Yes. Given our rate of technological growth, it may be sooner.

Remember: 20 years is at TODAYS current rate, technological growth is exponential so that rate will increase every few years (depending on various factors). It’s safe to say 10 years is a possibility.

it may also be a funding restriction that is slowing them.

I wouldn’t be surprised, but at the same time don’t rule out “private” investors playing a role in funding if this goes the right way.

Downloading the full episode of Horizon now. Looks very interesting.

This will go bad in December of 2012.

This still produces nuclear waste which we have been so good at handling.

We can actually reuse the waste. :smiley:

Yeah people don’t realize the fact that nuclear waste is recycled in most of the world.

depleted uranium?
yaa we reuse it over in iraq.

Haha. That or tungsten.

The US doesn’t use it efficiently due to the fact that we have older reactors, but in Europe where they don’t see nuclear power as a threat, they use the waste to further power their generators.

USA = dumb.

Rest of world = oh hey, cheap NRG? Okay!!