December 21, 2012

So is the world seriously going to implode that day? Is somone going to divide by zero?



I don’t understand, Zombies will take over before the world will implode.

According to the Mayans, we are in the 4th creation. AKA the 4th time God tried to create the world. The 3rd creation ended at the end of the 13th Bak’Tun of their long count calendar, after which this creation began. December 21st, 2012 is the end of the 13th Baktun of the 4th creation of the Mayan long count calendar.

So maybe.

But the Mayans didn’t think so. They referenced times beyond the end of the 13th baktun…

:confused: como say huh?

There was just a show on the History channel about this, i think i know what Dave watched tonight :lol:

a solar maximum good sir, solar maximum.

I call nuclear war due to us invading Iran.

I made a drunken thread about this like a year ago, if I wasn’t on my phone I would attempt to find it

it would suck so bad, just saying.

I wont be done building my house on the moon until 2013

When were gonna die, were gonna die. I don’t believe in this crap at all. Lol shit can happen tomorrow for all we know.

Crackheads will rule the world idk.

I’ll be laughing on the 13th at everyone who believes this

In April 2026,an asteroid is supposed to destroy the world.

better stock up on zombie defenses while you still can


I doubt the world is going to end but they are expecting the solar flare activity to be picking up about that time. Another CME like we had in 1859 would be like hitting the global electronic reset button with all our sensitive electronic devices.

Actually 12-21-2012 is just the begining of the end. 2-14-2013 is when the sh*t hits the fan. Do your research people! LOL.

Indifferent, couldn’t care less to be honest. Like others said, when its time, its time.