your thoughts? DECEMBER 21 2012

worlds gunna end says the ancient MAYANS
worlds gunna have a sudden freeze?

heres some kind of website im sure theres hundreds

just another day. I’ll probably be christmas shopping.

I just bought a t-shirt

This was covered in another thread.
I stopped contributing to my 401k.

lol yeah the earth is gonna flip ends and we are all gonna die

Did anyone click this link?
Just imagine everything bad happening at once.
It’s kinda funny because you know it is not going to happen.

if you beleive this, you should be pushed off the edge of the earth

Its pretty awesome that it will be on my sisters b-day…I always thought she was the devil…

i felt like this deserved to be posted.

you get your shopping done early :tup:

:picard: No the ancient Mayans did not predict this. People who want to believe that the world is going to end and incorrectly interpereted records predicted this.

The Mayan long count calendar is split into base-20 units. The calendar’s year zero was 3114 BC. Year in Mayan. 2012 is the end of the 13’s b’ak’tun of their long-count calendar, or year It’s not the end of the world, it’s just kind of like a new millenium. It’s happened 12 times already.

Just like New Years 2000… When its your time to go, its your time to go. end/

Man, can’t believe I’ve survived so many world ending events in my life. I don’t know if I can take another. :frowning:

Well, maybe there’s more to it. According to the Popul Vuh, which is some sort of Mayan bible type of thing, we are currently in the 4th creation. The previous 3 creations were attempts by the gods to create the world, but they screwed up. The 4th one they got right and put man here. The book states that the end of the last creation was on the 13th baktun. Granted that would put the beginning of the world as we know it at 8456 years ago and I think we all know about cave men and shit being around before that…

We’re all going to die of global warming well before this


Yeah but, Nostraldamas did so it must be true.

I heard Bob Barker was the key to the end of the world.


nostradamus predicted several different dates the world will end. One of them being january first 2150, because thats the day we will cros into the age of aquarius and out of the age of piscies. The bible even has scripts where jesus tells his disciples he will be with them until the end of the age. And at the beggining of the new age they should follow the man carrying a bucket of water, aquarius the water bearer. Its all based on mythology and the stars. Most religions are based on astrological sequences. The world could end long before or long after december 21st, 2012. The sign of the zodiac explains all of it

nuclear war, the small chance of random foreign object hitting us are FAR better chances for the world to end then ANY religious hogwash…


Global warming will however cause catastrophic problems, but will probably not cause the world to end… (mass death, lack of resources, etc. etc.) but not the end of the world….