When will we all die?


Discuss if you know what i am talking about

I’m going to project my death as occuring in 2069. That will put me at 89 years old.

Interesting, good luck…:bowrofl:

I think 2036 is the best chance of an impact, depending on what happens in 2029.

Although they said it would not be too bad of an impact.

Let me guess, did you watch Last Days on Earth the other day on the History channel? haha

LOL, i have watched that but i also have learked the intenet for quit some time now about the whole 2012 thing and knew about the 2029 as well, i thought it would be a good time to bring this up since it has been on TV and peole got a chance to watch it. I however like i said read up on all three dates and all three are quit scary, even for myself who deosn;t really give a shit about much.

2012 was a misinterpetation of the mayan calander from what i have read, and even then, common, some mayan’s looking at the sky did not know this…

2029 actually has backing in science with this asteroid passing between earth and its communication sat’s

and 2036 all depends on where the rock passes on 2029, if it will rebound and strike us… the chances are very very slim, and they say it would have no lasting global impact… it would still suck for whatever was around it when it hit…

I DVR’d ‘Life After People’ in HD last night, gonna watch it tonight.

2012 is when we are to “ascend” as humans by our own free will, or alto believe since the alignment of our solar system we will start either A. a new beginning and or a new galaxy since we will be dropping down to the bottom or B. We will rotate 180 degrees and our north pole will be at our south pole and the earth go through a shitl oad of changes and we are kind of fucked. I am not talking about the mayans nor do i believe their thinking and BS about the there ability to count past the date they needed at but it is a possibility.

2029 is yes, less likely to happen but there is a chance, and as far as 2039 goes well if it misses in 2029 then there is only a 1?5,500 chance that it will hit a hole 600 meters wide and travel outside of our gravitational pull, so if it doesn;t then it will be back around in 2039 and then it will have a cnache to hit us in an 1/1000 chance will inevitably impact most of earth solely not by the impact itself but by the atmospheric changes it has with our land,air and biological system.

So that program you recorded…watch but then do yourself a favor and Google the rest of the dates and read up on it, you too will be at a loss for words:eek4:

Everything I found showed a low probability. Being a person who believes science more than religion, prognosticators, etc., I still have zero concern over this.

Over which date Jeff? 2012 IS scientific

I’m going to say 2036. 2012 I don’t think anything will happen. 2029 however, the asteroid is projected to miss Earth. No one knows for sure, but from looking at the supposed path of the 99942 Apothis asteroid in people’s research, it has the greatest chance of hitting us in 2036, though the chance is only 1 in 15,000. Even then I’m doubtful. It is supposed to travel uncomfortably close, between the earth’s surface and the satellites orbiting the earth, but there is still a good chance it makes no contact. That’s what I’m hoping for, at least.


^Not where all my info came from, but in case people don’t know what is being talked about, there’s some background.

These are all low probability events…what I would worry about more is idiots getting they hands on Nukes and starting some kind of crazy war.

Thats a prob as well but it is also been described to happen like that way as well as many others on dec 21,2012. I beleive the scientific matter of our system lined up rather than the ascend part but you never know, i mena hell we do have other life forms around such as spirits and UFO’s so nothing is out of the question…

we do?

I’m shooting for 2218.


seriously though shorty…:hitit:


There is really no significance of 12/21/2012.

i’ll die when john kolar becomes a hetrosexual

Great find Kolar, everything but the earths line up wasn’t really a worry, but it very well could be significant to us as well as the other two dates, 2029 ok maybe not but 7 years later yes. If it does hit hopefully it hits china, the middle east or another 3rd world country far enough away form us that the effects don’t hinder our agriculture or livestock

very interesting and scary thanks lol