Is 2012 the end?

I’ve done a lot of research on the topic of the world ending but don’t really like to think about it so I never do but someone brought it up to me today and I’m curious to see what everyone thinks about it. Discuss!


Yes. I suggest you give me all your belongings in good will so you can get a proper seat in heaven.

There is some strange things happening in 2012 but none prove to be any major threats to the world. I was more concerned about the comet that passed between the earth and the moon last year knowing NASAs recent mathematical feats with missing decimal points and using the wrong number system ( than I am about the polar shift of the sun and the Earth causing the core of the earth to move around causing massive earth quakes and the solar storm wiping our all our communications.

Backup your pron collection…if anyone survives they’ll need porn.

2012 is an end of an “era” on the Mayan Calendar. Not necessarily the end of the world. Nobody ever has been able to predict the future no matter how smart they were.

That being said, I’m still thinking I’m going to throw an “End of The World” Party that night. Hey, if we’re going out, we might as well go out intoxicated.

The new era is Aquarious which means water, which means floods, which means we are dead, so yeah it is the end unless you live in the Rockies. lol

You don’t really buy into that nonsense do you?

Who the efff knows? I don’t. lol

Haha yeah that’s true. Like I said, no one has ever been able to predict the future.

pretty sure Marty McFly went to 2015 so we have a few years left.

I do. I just have been sworn to secrecy on the issue until December 22nd, 2012 to prevent any major panic.

WTF havnt we been through this already?

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

If youve ever played Crystalis for the NES, you would know the world takes a drastic turn in 1997. So yeah, we’re fucked.

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------

If youve ever played Crystalis for the NES, you would know the world takes a drastic turn in 1997. So yeah, we’re fucked.

Just watch this plz:

Logic failure.

I have a boat!!

if the Mayans were smart people there would still be Mayans. When’s the last time you met a Mayan?

The white man did to them what they do best. Wiped them out. Small pox I believe.

LOL, the video above has a hilarious part where he said that mayans didnt predict shit. The only people to insinuate apocalypse are these people: A picture of a dirty hippy and a picture of the hollywood sign. "Both of which are distinctly NOT Mayans.

my recap of it probably isn’t even 1/10th as funny, but you should watch it lol

Ive been saying this ever since all this hoopla started.

Double Post… The uncool DP