

If the NWS posts were not enough.


ughhh, dont wanna talk about it

and why not?

a vast majority of the general population dont know shit about it

just another date if you ask me, there is so much to talk about it, and i have done my fair share of research about it. Remember y2k?

Because its scary man…

I dont know how old you are but im 19… in 2012 I will be 24… thats a good 50 years short of the average lifespan.

Its just the most depressing feeling in the world to think that every minute of your life that you have spent working overtime or going to school all for the hopes of a better someday can all be negated in the blink of an eye.

If I died randomly it would even be not so bad but if I came up to you and said you will die in exactly one year… how the eff would you feel?

wtf does that date have to do with anything.

the world already ended once on 12/12/0012 and also 12/12/1012 … and it really ended bad back on 12/12/1212 …

and also on 1/1/1111 … but thats a different story … 2/2/2222 is gonna be really fucked up (if you need to know who the world comes back from the Apocalypse, go watch the documentary about it - “the Matrix”)

and oh yea, only people who use the mm/dd/yy format will die, people who use the mm/dd/yyyy format will survive because the date is instead 12/12/2012 … and that date isnt jinxed because its got that extra “20” in there

also, any people who use a totaly different calander system will survive, only people who use the gregorian calander system will be part of the apocalypse

god some people are realy fucking retarded … is this realy worth a thread ?

yeah I remember y2k

but it was nothing, something that wasnt historically hyped up, it was a bunch of cyber geeks thinking 2000 would throw off the internal clocks of computers…
hell the switch to daylight savings time earlier than ever reaked more havoc than y2k ever did

but honestly I dunno, I think the planet/human race is in peril

I mean through the ages people have cried that the sky was falling, many plagues and strifes, hell I bet everyone thought the bubonic plague was the end of us all

But look what we have now, super bugs, Aids, Mersa, bird flu plus many other uncurables, cancer ect

natural disasters/man made disasters?

Sure we have always had them, the great San Fran quake of the early 1900s, alaskas terrible quake of the 60s, the hindenburg, the titanic, world war 1, world war 2

but there have been more the last 5-10 years than ever, everyday its something new

wildfires, tsunamis, massive quakes, terrorist attacks, space shuttle disasters, we are on the cusp of WW3, energy shortages, global warming, over population in China and India,

In terms of america, George Bush, illegal immigration, the patriot act aka the trampling of civil liberties, technological advancements aka big brother, the death of middle class america,

Crime and lawlessness

prisons overflowing, everyday on the news more child molestors and sexual deviants, more random murders

um yeah

The world today is more twisted and corrupt than Sodom and gomorrah in the biblical sense, I mean how much further can you push the depraved envelope than 2 girls one cup

Read the newspaper headlines

women cutting babies from each others wombs, killing people over respect

of course again human nature

but the world is at a apex for all of it at once

Disease, natural disaster, civil unrest

Plus it seems everthings been done under the sun so the speak

theres no new genres of movies, music ect

its the same old rehashed again and again

Science has hit a high water mark with stem cell research and DNA science, we can clone people for fucks sake

Hell even look at cars, how much faster can they make them, whats next, 8s avaliable to the general public?

Dont get me wrong I am far from some bible thumping hypocrite but

I just think humanity as a whole has crested and I do put some creedence into the entire 12/21/12 “myth” maybe not so much as totality but as a permenant change to what we know now…

oic its another the world will end on XX/XX/XXXX claim :tdown:

i remember seeing this one day on dateline in elementary or middle school once, i was scared the whole day, then the next day just realized how gay it was.

just another date

to answer your question I am 30, for the first time in my life I have a good job So yeah I would like to live 60 more years also

12/21/12 aside I will just say I have little faith in humanity and wonder how much further things will slide
Its scary
I dont have kids but I cant ever imagine having a kid and sending him/her to a public school

the world has taken a turn for the worse

I just wish I had the $$ to move to some remote area and escape all of it

5 intelligent posts so far

mine doesn’t count because I’m just counting…lol

this is the only sentence in this entire thread i agree with. i’d love to do that right now.


but why??

your not arguing with my sentiment that the worlds gone fucking mad??

I never said I believed in 12/21/12

I just said with the way the world is going sometimes I wonder

Plus there is astrological merit to 12/21/12

something that the Myans had very little knowledge about at the time

YEA. the worlds fucked but theres nothing i can do about it.

you can buy a ass load of ammo and take cover

thats what I am planning to do


The world is just as sick and twisted as it always has been.

:word: but now there is the internet and the media bringing it front of every one’s face. So we just all know about it now…

I am a huge nerd when it comes into things like this and other “strange things” and like i said, ive done a lot of research about this. And it it doesnt add up at all.

I really just think its a topic for authors to sell books about, and try to make there few dollars.