When will we all die?

Walmart would go bankrupt and everything would cost a fortune. :slight_smile:

Back to small Mom & Pop shops then:bowrofl:

LOL…heres another funny one. This is how many “doomsday” predictions mankind has made up since the beginning of time.


Hm, actually funny ones there and i see in 1982 thery thought that the line up was going to end the earth as well:sex:

I never read up on this stuff before, just heard about it in passing, or on a preview on TV. I wonder if we’ll be able to intercept it or anything, maybe Armageddon style, or maybe just shoot it with a laser or a nuke or something.

I think because of the ionizing cosmic rays in space, that pretty much anything that comes down will have significant levels of radioactivity, but I could be wrong.

Well supposedly if we get to it in time and far enough in outer space then we could “Maybe” bump it out of it’s original orbit path and into another one inevitably putting it out of the path and gravitational pull of earth. And being as it may the “Maybe” part is becasue nobody knows if they build a ship large enough to do it or good enough to travel farther into space then we already have.

2012 has me curious. but not worried. if we’re all gonna die no one knows it yet

April 29th 2004

a good friends mother was absolutley ceartin that the world was ending at 12:00am jan 1st, 2000.

we still laugh at her.

Hopefully when the asteriod gets close enough, we can get shaggy to try to catch it in his cornhole. Lord knows theres plenty of room in that stretched out pink sock.

its already in thier. why do you think westmoreland county stinks like sour seamen. wait till i fart and yins get a blizzard of 3 feet.

In fact the Mayan calendar is not used by anyone today and is irrelevant. There is no factual relationship to the end of the Mayan calendar and the end of time. The Sun does not approach the center of the Milky Way to closer than about 5 degrees, and that happens not on 21 December but around 18 December, and not just in 2012 but in every year.

this is from that one link above. i havent researched this but is it really true? does anyone know offhand?

I have always heard the mayans end of the calender 2012 thing but i have heard it to be december 22 not the 21…not like it matters tho.

Also have heard alittle about prophecies of St. Malachi/Malachy. Supposively wrote prophecies in 1100’s and they were discovered in the 16th century. He predicted the current Pope Benedict XVI, as well as the last 4 which is sickly accurate. He said there would be one more pope after this one, Peter the Roman. This would signal the second coming of Christ and the end of the world. Its a good read to search on that stuff

That is pretty fucking funny. Haha

Just because they got to year 2012 and decided it was useless to continue a calender none of them would be alive for, doesn’t mean we’ll all die.

This doesn’t really pertain to the Mayans calendar, most of us know that they simply either ran out of room or moved onto a diff calender, this has to do with the earths line up, the asteroid and nuclear war.

you guys have to much time on your hands
pittspeed drama is going to turn into pittspeed philosophy

the way the goverment is spouting this global warming BS, we will all die from that well before an asteroid gets us.

these predictions are gay and mean nothing. But, if a huge asteroid is going to get us, call Bruce Willis to nuke it. No worries

I’d vote for worldwide death by some type of virus/disease that we can’t find a quick cure for and that is highly communicable. They say that the plague is making a comeback. I know, that’s a bacterial infection, not a virus, so it can be treated with antibiotics. Unless of course a resistant strain occurs… :scared:

cloverfield is gonna happen, and a combination of I am Legend

i’m waitin on the stay puff marshmellow man