your thoughts? DECEMBER 21 2012

The Matrix has you

lol @ you believing in global warming.

lol @ at you not. Now if you want to argue cause/naturally occurring…fine. But to not know that the earth is warming…well that is just dumb.

here we go…

I am not going to have anything to do with the following…

Your comment:


My reaction:


My Conclusion:


thanks for getting that out of the way so I don’t have to.


also something on the history ch. every once and a while about the MAYANS and this date

I meant the whole global warming as in the political aspect of it where everyone thinks this just started happening and we are all at fault. Yes the earth is warming, I do not disagree with that at all. I do however disagree with the causes and timeframe.

History Channel right now.

The bible talks about NOT predicting the futer… so those who would be would not be readers/practicers of the bible.

and no one knows the day.

[QUOTE=bible;] Mark 13:32
32 “Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father. [/QUOTE]

we do have sign’s but no spacific day.
I wont quote these but look them up…
Matt 24
2 Tim 3

those show the times as getting worse, increase in Natrual disasters… not that we have seen an increase in those :eyeroll: and and increase in atheism… those who “believe” but dont do anything with it…

I :picard: at anyone that beleives this shit.

lol hilarious

:whogives: anyhow if thats the case lets burn as much fuel as possible

Jonestown Party?


december 21st is my birthday…


the world ending would be such an unbeatable birthday gift!

“Hey what’d you get for your birthday?”

“Oh, I got a cake, some socks, and…oh, ARMAGEDDON!”

i watched this also over the weekend and learned some new things that i did not know about… they really think somethign will happen

but what was news to me was the “Galactic Equator”

Just as the Earth’s equator divides the planet into two hemispheres of North and South, the Galactic Equator is the astronomical term for the dividing line of the Milky Way, separating the Galaxy into two halves. Similar to the time of the Equinox when the Sun appears to cross the Earth’s Equator and thus enters into a new hemisphere, so too in 1998 the Winter Solstice Sun began to cross over the Galactic Equator. Considering that the Sun is so large (about one half a degree wide) and the motion is so slow, our Sun will not be completely across the Equator and fully into the new Galactic Hemisphere until 2018

kinda funny;

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise, is an actor and film producer, as well as an active member of The Church of Scientology.

Cruise is planning to build a $10 million bunker underneath his Colorado mansion in preparation for the end of the world, according to a new report. The Top Gun star is said to be taking the costly precaution in order to out-smart an evil intergalactic ruler called Xenu who, he believes, will attack Earth.

Lil’ Wayne
Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. better known for his stage name Lil Wayne, is an American rapper. He is one of the best-selling rappers in the world, which has brought him praise as well as disdain

Lil Wayne is convinced the world will soon end after reading about Mayan prophecies on his tour bus, and he is sure recent events in world history prove the Mayans were right - and Armageddon will happen in 2012.

He tells Blender magazine, "The world is about to end in 2012… 'cause the Mayans made calendars, and they stop at 2012. I got encyclopedias on the bus.

“The world is about to end as we know it. You can see it already. A planet doesn’t exist - there’s no more Pluto. Planes are flying into buildings - and not just the Twin Towers. Mosquitos bite you and you die. And a black man and a woman are running for president.”

Yo I got encyclopedias and shit! :pimp:

Well Hillary isn’t going to be president, which would have been a sure sign of impending armageddon. I guess we’re OK.

pretty much, i was thinking this as i read the title lol

I thought that was great that he said i have them on the bus… :gotme: I have them too but do i open them … no…

Holy fuck is this shit lame.

The earth will just sieze on it’s axis suddenly, and everyone not wearing a seatbelt will die as they get tossed out their homes.