December 21, 2012

My bday is 2-18 so I guess I shouldn’t expect much for presents that year huh?

^My mom’s was St. Valentine’s Day which is 2-14. Maybe there is some connection with St. Valentine and the end of the world.:gotme:

the only truthful and worth while post in this thread.

The Mayans worked on a count down calendar, not a progressively up counting one like ours. So everyone starts getting freaked out by a long count down like that. At the end of every other Bak’Tun there has just been major changes in their world. IMHO coincidental changes … almost self fulfilling prophetic changes.

On a more rednexk not … I think the fifth mongolian horde is going to come over the mountain so i’ma be ready for dem sukkas.

:highfive: We is educated lulz!

Fry conveniently did not mention that it will be the dawn of the age of Aquarius.
Aqua? As in Water? We are going to die in huge floods of aqua!!! AHHHHH!!!

Naw that’s not what it means. My birthday is Feb 16, which means I am an Aquarius. The age of Aquarius refers to when I will take over the world, which I will do in 2012.

My first act as supreme overlord will be to outlaw Sharia and mandate Fryia, which means that not drinking is banned. :evolve:

Fry, when you become supreme overlord will you mandate that everyone must buy their car from Basil? that would be nice.

Seriously though, I think some crazy things will happen because of the astro-stuff… I guess we’ll find out.

heres my original thread from 2yrs ago-

They have already divided by zero

You shall be Czar of the Ministry of Cars and Sandwiches.

December 21,2012- My car will run flat 4’s in the 1/4.

I honestly don’t believe in this stuff. And if something along these lines is true, we won’t be able to do anything about it.

YES!!! Best Job Ever!

ugh I just watched the movie 2012. John Cusack should just stop making movies. srsly.

“i wont cum in your mouth”
“i love you”
“checks in the mail”

I would be more shocked if the human race didn’t blow ourselves up somehow in the next 150 years.

Well then I guess the G20 meetings are a waste of time. :gotme:

You can pretty much say that. Everything we do is a waste of time, but we don’t care.

If something happens it will be unexpected so…

I watched that Disaster Movie last night lol, corny but i pictured the occurrences in reality.

fixed because of Iran

Has anyone else noticed how the commercial for the movie says:

"The Mayans predicted the world would end in 2012…

We should have listened!"

WTF. lol

OMG tomorrow is the end?!? Well at least according to some old guy on FOXNEWS.