December 21, 2012

Meh. Some old guy on Fox news has been predicting the end of the world every day since Obama won the election. :mamoru:

its the beginning of the rapture you fucks, not the EOTW.!

Tomorrow is the rapture when aparently Jesus is coming to earth and taking people to heaven who have been good. The end of the world is then 6 months later or something.

December 21, 2012 is the end of the world according to the Mayan’s which some pretty crazy stuff with planet alignment, solar flares, and some other odd stuff is said to happen that day to that doesn’t happen often so that one could be pretty interesting. I don’t think the world will just end, but it may cause some electronic havoc.

The cycle ends on the Mayan calandar on 12-21-2012. It is the dawn of the age of Aquarius. See my post #25. :smiley: That does not mean it is the end of the world, well maybe the end as we know it.:wink:

So when is the rapture today? I am trying to schedule my day and I need to know these things.

6pm, apparently.


(5 / 21) / 2011 = 0.000118396439

We still got time??

Yeah as far as I know, the current year is 2011. Not 2012. Dont we have 18 months?

This is so confusing.

When do I die?

Rapture, I am disappoint

i hope the first thing to implode is the fckin facebook headquarters

^That would be the Pentagon. :tinfoilhat:


See everyone on GI when the zombies show??

This was in USA Today on 5.19.11:

Wonder what a full page add like that would run?

I think she meant taxpayers money at work.

Jesus just rode to victory in the Preakness! I guess this means no Rapture!

Damn, I should have known this was a sign on who to bet on!!! We all know it is rigged and they even gave us a clue!
