December 21, 2012

See you all… IN HELL!

the raptors are coming

All I got was a bit of a sunburn. Worst. Rapture. Ever.

People spent life savings on billboards? WTF


9 days ago 1 year from then.

Fuck, thats 2 days before my birthday.

12-21-12 not 12-12-12

Wish it would. Haven’t started my Christmas shopping yet.

This is fucking gay, I can’t believe people actually believe this shit…

I saw Apocalypse 2012 on CNBC and I was actually embarassed for them. There is a guy who said he must jump off some cliff at 11:11 on that day so he can land in some portal and save the world. All I can think of while watching was “What is he on?”

Pff that was close…I would have totally had an STD for 9 days.



Right on schedule,man made bird flu is making headlines.

Hahahahah nice.

With all the global conflicts and everyone wanting to go nuclear, I wouldn’t be surprised if the world gets wiped out by then.

Planet X?

I’m just waiting for some scientific reason something happens and shit hits the fan… Then the crazies come out of the wood works and start dropping the rapture shit and end of life because GOD is in charge and says now is the time. These people need to be curb stomped and thrown infront of buses. Just saying.

People with faith in god should be curb stomped and thrown in front of buses? That’s pretty fucked up dude.

just for clarification…it’s the CRAZIES who believe “God” and the rapture will end the world in 2012. Or even the nut who put the timeline as this past May :eyeroll:

Regarding Christian believers, the apocolypse will be a suprise with nothing definitive about a time other than it WILL happen “soon”. Soon could be 1yr, could be 1,000 years.

The timing definitely made me raise an eyebrow. Didn’t help that I watched Contagion 2 days before that hit the news.