December 21, 2012

LOL you took me way to literal. sorry. I’m talking about people like that lady on the movie “The Mist” I believe thats what it was.

edit: movie title


<------ See location. :smiley:

My problem with all of this is the lack of support for most everything.

People are getting hyped up about the decoded prediction of a civilization that couldn’t defend themselves from European invaders, but apparently had the intelligence to predict the course of time. People who are SEARCHING for mayhem always seem to find it in the bible and nothing ever happens so why should we assume this time will be different. The Cold War, Y2k, blah blah blah, theyre all end of the world discussions only because humans want to feel something greater than us.

The biggest problem I have with this whole doomsday theory is that the people who discuss it the most, tend to be people who are atheists, or openly reject any faith. Like the idea of a god/gods and an afterlife is so unbelievable but someone out there is using magical/cosmic warning signs to let us know the end is near.

Theyre stories that transcend everything we know so people love to hop on the “bandwagon” of sorts, but to this point, ive seen no reason to believe this is more than anything but hype. With that said, the only reason I posted is because there is that stitch of fear in me that says these predictions could be right… and thats the fun of it all lmao.

Whatever. The apes will eventually take over, anyway.


If that is what he meant then it already happened. I assumed he meant apes like gorillas or monkeys.

The time line theory is a bunch of bullshit, because, we are trained to look for patterns, hence why people look up “coding” in the bible and make up this bullshit. I grew up as a Christian but steered away from it so what they taught you was there is no time or exact date that the rapture is going to happen…

Solar storms, we are done. lol

Should we merge the multiple 2012 threads? There are at least 4 of them.

And you thought you had until 12-21-2012!?!? (maniacal laugh)

Lol, who gives a shit about another Earthquake? We live in a LOW threat zone for any crap that would come of this.

im suprised this thread hasnt gotten locked like the rest of the them…

i think this whole 2012 thing will be more along the lines of nuclear war, complete economic meltdown and failure to the point where it pretty much comes to a hault, people going nuts, etc.

anyone want to make bets on what really is going to happen? i will put 5 doll hairs on my theory being correct. lol

What threads were locked?

Bing’s punching bag thread…I had a witty comment to add but nobody will ever see it :frowning:

“is 2012 the end” was locked by josh, and shortly after the “2013?” thread was locked as well.

quote from josh’s post which i think is completely rediculous considering the thread was in off topic.

"Move to Politisuck or just close? Hum… closed.

There are plenty of places on the internet to discuss conspiracies and the like."

he also had a photo in the post that said “cars or GTFO”


It has already begun.

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^ this.