FYI Buying Contact Lenses Online

I just found out that you MUST have a valid perscription for contact lenses to purchase them in the US. I tried to buy contacts from a variety of online resellers only to find out that you need to submit a doctor’s name and phone number in order for your order to be placed. Since my eyes haven’t changed in 2+ years, I didn’t feel the need to spend extra money on an eye exam. My solution, I bought contacts from the U.K. The US dollar being weak cost me a few dollars more per box than it normally would have but no biggie. Shipping was $12 bux so if any of you are ever in this situation,

Thanks! Ive been needing new contacts

good post.

I actually was in a very similar situation. I went through america’s best, and had a valid prescription. I ordered online, when the internet vendor called america’s best they said they would not honor my prescription because I didn’t come in for a “follow up” exam.

Total bullshit, just a way to get me back in the seat and spend more $$$ on eye exams.

Usually your eye exam is only valid for a single year, after that it’s time to get retested. Canada must have one of these sites too.

EDM y0

they do two different exams now. one for eyeglasses and one for contacts. so having a valid glasses prescription means nothing to them.

I can see that. They probably assume the curvature of your eye would change over time :bloated: but good info regardless.

I think it depends on the doctor. I.E. the prescription may expire but a lot of doctors will just say “yeah sure whatever” sign a new one and go back to banging the secretary. Just like a pharmacist calling a doctor to get more refills on an existing script for viagara or whatever.

I just got my contacts from the UK. The package actually came from Xander-Land (Holland) so the turn-around time is about a week. I have the new contacts in and they are working great! I must say, $12 for shipping international is a great deal as UPS/FedEx Ground costs just as much and takes just about as long. Overall this was a great buying experience.

Did it come with weed?

Sadly no.

he is old but not that old yet…

oh, i was thinking new amsterdam

bump for good info…just got a box, even a bit cheaper than