contacts rant

i’ve been wearing glasses since before i can remember, so i finally decided to get contacts. I went to lens crafters and ordered them, and had to come back today to take some “class” on how to put them in. now, im not really good with holding my eyes open and touching my eyes, and I explained this to the person and she said they would work with me on it then. they showed me how to put them, and let me try it. I tried TWICE and they took them back and said well we’re sorry but you just can’t put them in. I’m like i’ve never had contacts and i just told you i dont do good with touching my eye and you only let me try it twice. they said i need to practice and when I was like ok my mom has them and my gf im sure they can help me they were like “oh you cant these with you, we cant give them to you until you can show us you can put them in and take them out” im like well how am i supposed to practice then, and you only let me try it twice wtf?? oh and that’ll be $50 please than you! im so angry right now, oh well i’ve been wearing glasses for almost all the the first 21 years of my life, guess i’ll just deal with it for however long i live


Wow, that’s pretty lame. It took me a good half dozen tries before I got it, and I hated touching my eyes and stuff.

Where’s the fucking poll?

What a let down…

poll: what should I do to the bitch who wouldn’t let me get glasses?

:mamoru: Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Anyhow that’s really gay. It probably took me a long frustrating month until I was “good” at putting them in. That’s retarded that they gave you 2 shots and then said “done, pay me.” I’d get a new eye doctor.


New doctor. It took me over an hour to get mine in the first try because I HATED touching my eye but I needed it for football. Mind over matter

Bacon duh.

Once you try about 5 times…you should be fine. Do they really have the right to not let you take them home with you to practice? that’s insane!!!

Word. It took me a while to get used to it. Then a little longer to get good at it. I would refuse to leave until I had a pair of goddamn contacts in my hand. Go back

I tried contacts, they never sat right on my one eye, went back to the doc, he said my one side is irregularly shaped a little and it never creates a tight fit, havent tried to wear them since, 7 years later…

where’d the poll come from? lol.

i would think im entitled to what i paid for…so i dont see why they cant just give them to me. shit i wish i could sit at a desk, tell someone they suck at something after 5 min and get $50 and then another 10 min later do the same thing. id be pretty rich that way.

The poll came from your resident asshat mod.

If you really paid them $50 for their time and left without contacts I would go back and raise a shitstorm. Well, that’s what I would do. :shrug:

Which lens crafters? i have a seceret crush on the optomitrist there.

ive had contacts for as long as i remember.

really shitty how they acted towards you. Took me a few tries to get them in. Go back and complain.

they seem like fucking DUMMIES over there

What’s his name?

thats BS.

You paid for them, you take them with you.



She is Dr gentile, and she reminds me of dr. cuddy from house.

the one on Maple. and if u have a thing for pretty much anyone that i’ve seen work there then uhh…

i read over my paperwork and nothing they gave me or that i signed said that they were un-refundable. I called and spoke to the manager, and they said “well you might have to come back 5 or 6 times” and i kindly explained to them that i usually only have 1 day a week off between my 2 jobs, and dont really have time to come in and wait for a half hour then try 2 times to put them in and leave and come back again a week later. they ended up giving me a refund when i called them out on the fact that they never had anything in writing saying they were non-refundable.

oh, and does anyone know if that or whatever website has to be done through your doctor? i have all of my prescription info for the contacts, so i just assume order them from there and have my mom or my gf help me with them on my own.

I have never seen anyone get them in the first time. Get your perscription, call 1800CONTACTS and get them. It just takes practice and wash your hands. YOu might spend an hour at the mirror before you get the hang of it and your own way to put them in.

Make sure your hands are clean cuz eye infections are a bitch.