Fucking glasses

I had to get fucking reading glasse becasue my eyes were getting blurry when i was on the comp or reading the paper for a period of time. Now i jsut got them today and my vivsion gets blurry when i take them of and eveything is HUGE whnei have them on,i ma getting so old:rant: Anybody else havce reading glasse only and do u jsut get used to them? wow.just read this and my grammar sucks…blame it on the glasses!


reading glasses are the worste. i tried to use them for a day but Im better off without. wouldn’t trust my eyes to a $5 pair of kmart glasses. Your one eye could be fine and suffering from the lenses while they help the other. Everyone is different.

eh.i payed for good ones,but u are right…i was wondering the same thing about hurting the other eye…

I have had glasses since I was 8 years old, but I wear mine all the time. Go to an eye doctor and get a good set of glasses that will actually help you, instead of el cheapo reading glasses which suck ballz.

I went to vision care in west mif,my friend works there and her aunt runs the place so they took care of me and i got “real” ones,lol. But i guess u just have to get used to em?

you may need to have them adjusted, if they make you sick you need to get them fixed. i have gotten new lenses that made things worse. so you prob need to go back to the eye center and have them adjusted will be fine after that

I,ll try them out for a lil to see if it’s juts my eyes that need to get used to them,i just don,t want to fuck them up anymore if these are hurting them.


:nono: :finger:

your just getting old, pretty soon you’ll be an old perverted man like pewter


hows your truck…lol. i’m an idiot

sorry for laughing sleeper:stick:

Lasik > *

If its an option for you.


Stop being the middle man, seamen burns your retna dumb shit…


i never wear mine… i have a brand new pair of Tommy Hillfiger glasses i maybe wore twice in 10 yrs. i don’t like how they make my eyes look HUGE

Pics of sleeper wearing glasses?

I am considering that for sure.