i got to work from home today

here is why!


i hate being sick

Stop sucking dick and putting yourself in that situation :dunno:

Only you can prevent pink eye.

clamidya of the eye.

haha i don’t think i’ve heard of someone getting pink eye after teh third grade! :rofl: how the hell did that happen?

Shouldn’t you have two of those?

whitey likes to finish it off with a facial :bj:

i do, but i thought it was weird taking a picture of one eye already. I figured you could use your imagination.

i have no clue how i got it… so gay, i am going to get drops now. what fun!

Quit borrowing someone elses mascara and you’ll be golden

same thing happened to me this summer, i got pink eye out of no where, it was weird

if you wear contacts you are more prone to it for multiple reasons. Most obvious reason is due to your hands making contact with the lens its self…

If you get pink eye you actually should throw any open contacts away, cases away and not open a new pack until it clears up.

i dont wear contacts or glasses, good vision here, what i think did it was, no lie, i was spreading mulch and i think mushroom manore(sp) and i got something in my eye and wipped it with the gloves i had on, prob. infected it!

Yup … hes right … I wear contacts. About 1 1/2 ago I got pink eye … threw my contacts and shit away … and waited till it cleared up to open a new pack. But I didn’t get a new case … When I put the new contacts in after they were in the old case … got it AGAIN … I was pissed … but I learned my lession

I got pink eye about two years ago. It was nice. I got about 3 days off work! Maybe I’ll get really drunk tonight so my eyes are bloodshot and tell everyone I think I have pink eye.

that sucks…hope it feels better

what camera did you use?!!!

ever do porn closeups ? :kekegay:
is that the same camera from when i used it?

me and shag get pinkeye on a daily basis, but I still have to go into work. :down: