Eye infection?

I think someone broke in last night and busted a nut in my eye while i was sleeping…

Actually, I think I got some dust in my eye last night and now i have little bits of white boogery schmeg turning up in my eye. Ideas? Should I just get some Visine or something? My eye’s so red that it looks like I’ve been fucking myself in the ocular cavity.

A similar thing happened to me several years ago…after getting something in my eye while lifting weights, I woke up a few days in a row to find my eye glued shut with goo…finally went to the doctor and they found a tiny piece of metal imbedded in my eye. I had minor surgery - he scraped it out.

yikes. really not what i wanted to hear…lol. i’ll wait it out a day or two before i do anything.

i just got metal dug out of my eye again. oh what fun. But go to eye doctors if irritates too bad

Actually…it sounds much worse than what it was. My eye was screwed up for a few days but once the metal was out, It wasn’t long until I was fine…I didn’t wear a patch even though the doctor recommended it. I was amazed at how much discomfort a tiny fragment of metal can cause…it doesn’t take much. It sounds as if your eye might be trying to expel something…If it doesn’t get better very soon, I’d definitely go see a doc.

I’m guessing it’s dust… I don’t really do any kind of physical labour… I can’t see how I’d get anything serious in there.

have your boyfriend bust one in your other eye so they match. You’ll be golden.

i’ve had metal in my eye numerous times. it’s one of the worst things things. it scrathes it all up. but they never did surgery, they numb the eyeball, and the put your head inthe jig thing, they aim that bright ass light into your eyeball, then they use a drill to drill out the metal that is imbedded, and the rust ring it sometimes leaves.

i’m taking the baby to the doctor today, she has mucas looking crap coming out of her eyes.

I had metal in my eye around this time last year had to get it numbed up and flushed out a few times they said it was a piece of metal that scratched the hell out of my eye and I was lucky it didnt cut it at all

had a piece of rust in my eye for 2 days luckily wasn’t imbeded i got it out with a qtip

If it’s just dust irritating it you can get an eyewash at the drugstore like this link

If that doesn’t work and you suspect it’s something imbedded, go to the eye doc.

The other thing it could be if it’s all gooey and matted to your eyelashes, it could be pink eye. Just don’t touch your infected/affected eye and then touch the other eye cause if it’s an infection like pink eye it will spread.

Good luck

Jinnxy…your like the PIttspeed mother.lol :beer: U know everything and take care of everybody,well almost… :booty:

:love: I try :smiley:


Update: All cleared up… just a little bloodshot.

sounds good

i had a cut cornea twice last year…verry painfull but the percocet helped…they also gave me some ointment to put on there and that helped clear everything up pretty fast