anyone scratch their eye?

just wondering if anyone had this happen before? i was cutting steel today and part of the abrasive wheel got in my eye. i got the peice out. but scratched my eye in proces. i went to doctors and said it should heal in a couple days. but holy hell this hurts.

anyone with experience know how long the pain last?
and any suggestions on remedies? rest seems like biggest key to help heal the eye but that is not really an option lol

rest is best, but you want to really be sure that your eyes dont dry out so a good eye drop 2-3 times a day, refresh is good all natural or this but you need a script

Ive done it before doing with an abrasive wheel. It was about 6 years ago, so I dont really remember how long the pain lasted. I think it got better in a couple days. He gave me a script for some eye drops, but i would think an ordinary eye drop would work.

Jim beam vicodin and a barfly

i scratched mine back in like 98 cutting grass i got something in it. let it go til the night when it got blood shot. went to the ER to have it removed (the only trip i have ever gone to the ER in my life) scratched it and said it went thru 7 or the 11 layers or something like that (its been a while) gave me soem perks and i was out for the count the next day hurt even more. then after that it started to go away if i remeber correctly it was about 3 days before it was back to normal.

the doctor gave me some ointment for the eye. just use it morning when i wake up and before i go to sleep. keeping the eye shut is def helping but try welding with one eye shut. but got everything done for the day. time to go relax and build my appetite for tomo

I got my eye scratched a few times growing up. The pain sticks around for a few days. They always gave me eye drops and put a patch on my eye. You might have to take a few days off from the garage since you will only have one good eye, but it will help it heal a lot faster. Especially if you use the drops.

a trip to the strip club will cure it just fine.

i get metal taken out of my eye atleast once a year. i’ve had it drilled out before to. it always scratches it up and hurts like a bitch. it last 2-3 days for me. 2nd day is usually the worse. the hardest part i think is trying to fall asleep. the only thing that takes the pain away is the drops the doc puts in before he digs in it. it’ some sort of acid i think. if it ever happens again, when you go to the doc swipe a bottle when they aren’t looking it’s the only way. i have a bottle here. lol.

Did they say if it was your cornea? I have to wear glasses because both of my cornea’s were scratched when i was younger, just unfortuneate enough to get poked in both of my eyes i guess. Hopefully it’s not though and you should be ok.

I broke a beer bottle once and a peice flew in my eye. my god did it hurt like hell feeling the peice of glass in your eye, it finally fell out and It looked like my eye was cut. I just let it go. put eye drops in it here and there and it stopped being irratated in about 3 days

got debris in mine weed whacking and had it sliced out by a doc…2 days later it was back to normal… eyes heal quick

blkpe put moose jizz in his eye. quickly healed. imported from alaska. foxrus flew it to him.

never done it but sounds like it hurts

The most I’ve scratched my eye is when I’ve been wasted trying to take my contacts out at night. But yeah eyes heal quickly, it only hurts for a few minutes. Or at least I’d be too drunk to feel it.

I ended up with a lesion on my eye once it sucked…good luck jeffy

I got a piece of rust in my eye when I was changing the brakes on my old Toyota. I had to go to the hospital to get it taken out and they had to shoot something into my eye with a needle, trust me, I’ll never be doing that again. Goodluck Jeff.

That sucks Jeff …
I sliced my eye open when I was little kid (I have pictures of me wearing a eye patch) … But I dont remember it really. I just know thats a big reason why my eyes are so bad. I have a good bit of scare tissue built up in my left eye.

I have scratched my eyes of stuff before, and it sucks. You should be fine in a few days. Just use the drops/ointment they gave you and take it easy.

do it all the time at work! even when i have my glasses on. i have some ointment from the last time i did it in the summer, u apply it at night on ur eye. and normally the next day its gone, or the pain has diminished a lot! and stay away from bright light. best thing the doc gave me too was numbing drops! worked like a charm with the pain, but the one time i hurt my eye worse with those, didnt wear sunglasses and kept my eye open. made it worse when the numbing drops wore off

it is def feeling better today. but damn that was irritating pain. on this schedule it should take a few more days i am hoping.