i have it, its my first time in 2 1/2 years of being a full time welder. tea bags and eye drops do not work.

and dont even think about poking fun of the whole teabags on the eyes thing.

give me suggestions.

hmm suggest something other than egyptian sunglasses to make you feel better?

wrist watch might help but i think you just need to find some dank to help your eyes


Slice some potatoes, put into a wet paper towel, cover eyes, the starch will seep through and heal the burn.

When I had arc eye all I did was wait it out. It wasn’t too bad after three days.

+1 for potatoes. worked for me in the past.

Cucumbers, teabags ~help~ Lol…sorry its just funny. I had this happen when I was in a welding class in high school. Thought I was cool to not wear hemet.
My buddy just did this to himself. Just waited it out, wore sunglasses all day/night.
Did u get the thick shit in ur eyes yet. The stuff like “eye booger” stuff but, 10xs thicker? mmmmm


Thought I was cool to not wear hemet.


did you try getting punched in your other eye?

lol no bryan, i did not, can you come over and do that for me:rolljerk: thanks.

welder’s flash sucks a fat one, do the potato thing, it worked for me in a day or so.


When I had arc eye all I did was wait it out. It wasn’t too bad after three days.


X2, I found that of you blink less and don’t move your eye it hurts less, but it was very hard to do. I actually thought I had something in my eye all morning the first day, it wasn’t until later that night that I realized what had happened. The second day I had just got used to it and it didn’t bother me anymore but I definitely noticed it was there, and by day three I rarely even noticed. I’m pretty sure it was gone on day 4, but I my have just gotten that used to it by then.

call me! im bored as fuck. im so bored it hurts.

fuck. my face is burned. tomorrow is going to suck.


I never looked at this thread after I replied till now I missed that quote of my reply…LAFENGAS, i WILL FIGHT YOU DOWN MAN:walter:

3 days and you’ll be back to normal, just grin and bear it


cry… lol

its shitty…

ive had it 4 times… one of which was after i passed out from drinking. being drunk with arc eye SUCKS

i’ve got one forearm burning right now because of welding yesterday with a short sleeved shirt. It doesn’t take long. I exposed myself to a total of a little over a minute of weld time. So the people who stare at a weld for even a short period of time are border-line retarded.


i’ve got one forearm burning right now because of welding yesterday with a short sleeved shirt.


BS, sunlight cant make it to your skin. let alone air, and welding flash.