treat it the same as sunburn…

use straight Aloe gel…
Skin creams with vitamin E
Take Vitamin C pills — at least 500mg… i like 1000mg ones
bathing in a baking soda bath helps

dont rub it
dont use anything with petroleum jelly

When ever I get it, I just lay down and shut my eyes, put some cold water on them. Where do you work full time as a welder at?

Adsco MFG. in blasdell.


treat it the same as sunburn…

use straight Aloe gel…
Skin creams with vitamin E
Take Vitamin C pills — at least 500mg… i like 1000mg ones
bathing in a baking soda bath helps

dont rub it
dont use anything with petroleum jelly


hmm… i think i might have used something with petroleum, because it didn’t hurt too much this morning, but then i put on some lubriderm and my face is on fire!

Might wanna have your eyes checked for retina damage. Its painless and easy. They put drops in your eye that are UV reactant. Hold a magnifying glass with a black light attached over your eyes and check for w/e could be wrong. Then they will give you “special” eye drops and make it all better. Xeon did this and could not even open his eyes. But he REFUSED to wear a mask like a jackass.

it’s not my eyes. my face is just burned as fuck.