welders come in

im doing and extra credit paper for my manufacturing class on the evolution of welding in the auto industry, ive found a few things but id appreciate if anyone could give me some useful insight i could put in my paper. thanks!

i think you need more specialized information than most welders are going to be able to give you

evolution of welding:

Men welding ------> robots welding…

/ paper


hey man i actually sell a Resistant Spot welder for my work. I can get u a brochure if it’d help ya out. throw me a Pm if interested

welders used to no wear eye protection!!!

God, this is so true.

Google is your only hope.

Hate to agree with newman on this one but aside from runing a good bead most welders wont be able to tell you shit past the re-loading procedure of their machine. Hell half of them wont even be able to tell you that.


yea most welders by trade i’ve met aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, not brightest bulb in the box, elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top floor, …

yea… i was talking to guys who were in the military, (navy i think) and they used to do their shit with no mask… ouch. but wayyyyyyyyy back in the day