ATTN: eye contact users

people with eye contacts need to take note to this. for the past 4-5 years i have had contacts. it started out by me takin them out every night… then every other night… then about once a week. now it has been about 6 months since i have taken my contacts out of my eyes. and saturday night one of them fell out at the bar. and then i went to the bathroom and my right eye was totally blood shot. i woke up sunday and couldnt open it. then yesterday my left eye was bloodshot.

it lasted 4years or so doin this before i had any problems but i dont wish this upon anyone. now i have no contacts in and i cant find my glasses and have to work at 3 tonight…

sucks…terrible life

This is why your supposed to take them out every night and clean them.:doh: :nono:

damn mac that sucks…shouldn’t let devon cum in ur eye…

seriously tho hope it gets better soon

i wear contacts that are meant to be taken out daily but i wear them for a few weeks at a time. however i take mine out for a day or two every month :slight_smile:

lasik FTW!

Hey Mac u do need to take ur contacts out jackass. i started to do what ur doing now and at my last visit my dioctor could tell I was not taking them out. he said the type of lens I had doesnt allow enough oxygen through to get to my eye. So blood vessels will eventually start to grow down into the center of ur eye to give it more oxygen. Eventually u could go blind so its nothing to ignore. Now I bought the daily throw aways but my doc said I could get noes that I could leave in when I sleep. I guess they make ones that allow more oxygen through the lense.

hope it gets better soon

by not following directions.

ps. hope it gets better

happen to me before…

I have to take mine out before I sleep. If I don’t I wake up and they are dried out and crusty. Plus leaving them in builds up deposits of calcium faster. Mine are not disposable so I have to make them last. They come with directions for a reason.

OUCH…Mac your nuts…6 MONTHS…your lucky shits not growing out of your eye!!!

I hate it for you buddy…:sadwavey:

that sucks man, ive worn them for 6 years and the worst ive had is tiny scratches from stuff on them, and i take them out once every 2ish months and have never had a problem, and im on a list at my doctor for lasik, but its called PKK or something that doesnt actaully cut into your eye, just corrects it with no incision like lasik does

then i just started to say fuck it and i only wear my glasses now if i need to see things

What cleaner do you use… ? i saw something bout one of the cleaners having a problem… I know its not Opti free

bausch & lomb is supposed to be having problems with that…

same thing happened to me about six months ago. i couldn’t open my eyes for five days. i THOUGHT it was getting better after that so i put a fresh pair in. probably an hour later, same shit happened. had to wear my glasses for two and a half weeks. finally went away after that.

i definitely suggest you pick up some cheap glasses somewhere though.

this happened to me last year, i ended up almost loosing eye sight in one eye, i had a really horrible cornea ulcer wich made my eye look all pussy and was very painful. had to end up staying awake for like a week straight cause i had to take medicine every half hour


Ive been there before man … It sucks …

I now use the contacts that you can sleep in … but I take them out usally for a day or two every month. But … this time of the year … I take them out everyday because tree pollen and shit just KILLS my eyes. Hope you get better

quoted for truth

Here is the B&L/RENU controversy…