oh the pain…
2 hours under the sun, no sunblock, terrible idea.
anyone know of a good pain reliever other than aloe (I have none right now)
oh the pain…
2 hours under the sun, no sunblock, terrible idea.
anyone know of a good pain reliever other than aloe (I have none right now)
beer or sleep, ben gay works
other than aloe with lidocaine, nothing. about a month ago i was working outside for almost 4 hours with no shirt on, and i reeped the burnafits badly.
[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:3,topic:31240"”]
working outside for almost 4 hours with no shirt on
thanks for the mental image, I just made a mess of my keyboard… now come over and clean this shit up!
but yea… this is terrible, I normally never burn, but i think the first time exposing myself to the sun … really is fucking me in the ass here… ouch is all i can say
Seriously, from someone who has had a few, start drinking and put a ton of aloe on. After a bunch of drinks (you will get drunk easier when you are burned) you’ll pass out and sleeping will be much easier. I’d rather deal with a hangover than a burn any day of the week. Just keep putting the aloe on.
silly communist, sunblock is for Republicans.
PS, lidocaine and anything-caine/cane is BAD for you, if you use it frequently, have fun when you’re so desensitized that novocain doesn’t work at the dentist
Seriously, from someone who has had a few, start drinking and put a ton of aloe on. After a bunch of drinks (you will get drunk easier when you are burned) you’ll pass out and sleeping will be much easier. I’d rather deal with a hangover than a burn any day of the week. Just keep putting the aloe on.
That doesn’t even make sense. Dehydrate yourself even more when you should be hydrating? And what kind of sunburns are you getting that only last 8 hours?
silly communist, sunblock is for Republicans.
PS, lidocaine and anything-caine/cane is BAD for you, if you use it frequently, have fun when you’re so desensitized that novocain doesn’t work at the dentist
If you have to use lidocaine that frequently that you become immune to it, I’d be more worried about skin cancer than a trip to the dentists office.
blah blah blah all I hear (read?) is the ramblings of a dirty hippy.
[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:8,topic:31240"”]
That doesn’t even make sense. Dehydrate yourself even more when you should be hydrating? And what kind of sunburns are you getting that only last 8 hours?
I get crazy sunburned, I’m half fucking ginger, but the shit is usually gone in a day or two, which I’d rather spend drunk than suffering.
drunk > … well, > most? can’t quite give it > * cuz drunk sechz0rs with your mom is > just plain drunk.
blah blah blah all I hear (read?) is the ramblings of a dirty hippy.
pen is mightier?
[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:13,topic:31240"”]
pen is mightier?
* cuz drunk sechz0rs with your mom is > drunk > … well, > most? can’t quite give it > just plain drunk.
I couldnt find :picard: so that will have to do.
move to florida, get used to the sun then go back
problem solved, ny sun doesn’t compare
oh… its sooooo bad now… I think i’m skipping work, cause i’m sooo embarassed… i can put my finger on a red spot and it takes 2 seconds to go back to the normal color
Solarcaine /thread.
I think if you keep crying about it, the tears will help.