
oh the pain…

2 hours under the sun, no sunblock, terrible idea.

anyone know of a good pain reliever other than aloe (I have none right now)

beer or sleep, ben gay works

other than aloe with lidocaine, nothing. about a month ago i was working outside for almost 4 hours with no shirt on, and i reeped the burnafits badly.

thanks for the mental image, I just made a mess of my keyboard… now come over and clean this shit up!

but yea… this is terrible, I normally never burn, but i think the first time exposing myself to the sun … really is fucking me in the ass here… ouch is all i can say

pussy… and today? It was not bad out all day.

Seriously, from someone who has had a few, start drinking and put a ton of aloe on. After a bunch of drinks (you will get drunk easier when you are burned) you’ll pass out and sleeping will be much easier. I’d rather deal with a hangover than a burn any day of the week. Just keep putting the aloe on.

silly communist, sunblock is for Republicans.

PS, lidocaine and anything-caine/cane is BAD for you, if you use it frequently, have fun when you’re so desensitized that novocain doesn’t work at the dentist :wink:

That doesn’t even make sense. Dehydrate yourself even more when you should be hydrating? And what kind of sunburns are you getting that only last 8 hours?

If you have to use lidocaine that frequently that you become immune to it, I’d be more worried about skin cancer than a trip to the dentists office.

blah blah blah all I hear (read?) is the ramblings of a dirty hippy.

I get crazy sunburned, I’m half fucking ginger, but the shit is usually gone in a day or two, which I’d rather spend drunk than suffering.


drunk > … well, > most? can’t quite give it > * cuz drunk sechz0rs with your mom is > just plain drunk.

pen is mightier?



I couldnt find :picard: so that will have to do.

move to florida, get used to the sun then go back

problem solved, ny sun doesn’t compare

oh… its sooooo bad now… I think i’m skipping work, cause i’m sooo embarassed… i can put my finger on a red spot and it takes 2 seconds to go back to the normal color :frowning:

Solarcaine /thread.

I think if you keep crying about it, the tears will help.