Broken eye socket ?

ok just wondering if anyone has had a broken eye socket…and if so what do they do for it ?

Get another to match?

go to the hospital?

lol its ok i think ill pass i cant even see out of it…and i went to the hospital and shit but i just want to know like what exactly they are goin to do cuz they said they have to do surgury but didnt tell me excatly



go to hybrid, im sure they could fab you up a new socket. you fucking moron go to the hospital

"i went to the hospital " moron

Try digging at it with a fork.

Honestly asking a automotive forum for medical advice, is like sending a letter to a cooking show about how to rebuild your engine. No idea what to expect though.

Which to mean means they are going to weld your skull, and bondo your face. :tup:

St Patty’s day kick the shit out of you?

They’re gonna pump you full of drugs. Then they will cut out your liver and kidneys and sell them on the black market.

When you wake they’ll give you some anti-biotic that you can’t pronounce and tell you to check back in 3 weeks.

Or you could just do it yourself and buy some Robutussin over the counter.


Let dat 'tussin soak in boy…

EDIT: Ok, according to a simple Google search :smash2: :


Treatment depends on the severity and location of your injury. For a small, uncomplicated blowout fracture that does not affect the movement of your eye, your doctor may prescribe ice packs, decongestants and an antibiotic to prevent infection. You may be told to rest for a few days and to avoid blowing your nose while the eye heals.

If the fracture is more severe, your doctor will refer you to a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who specializes in treating eye injuries. An opthalmologist may be called in to deal with the double vision. This specialist will determine whether you need surgery to repair the broken bone. Surgery may be needed to:

Remove bone fragments
Free trapped eye muscles and eliminate double vision
Restore the normal architecture of the eye socket if your injured eye looks sunken
Repair deformities of the eye rim that affect your appearance

x2 for the fork

Isn’t using Robutussin for pulling your own kidney and liver out dangerous? I hear using NAWZ™ yields a much better effect. Though the scalpel part can get messy once you start to pass out.

:rofl: that made me laugh for a good 2 mins.

The Robotussin was for the eyesocket surgery, not his liver and kidneys :ham:

this made Me laugh for a couple mins :slight_smile:

Why not both, at least he can make some profit off of it? :shrug:

the thread reeks of stupidity :bloated:

i was just thinking, i mean why not just gouge the flesh away like the terminator and then just use jbweld

Bullet-resistant eye sockets are pretty sweet.