Game Over (Game On?) for Financial Markets?

Yeah it’s a hard call. I’m going to keep watching it.

eyyyy baby

Just put 10k aside for Monday to dump in the S&P500 (VOO)

Let’s get to 20,000 and I’ll put in a little more!

Yeah everything is on sale now! I’m going to pickup more Microsoft.

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Soooo who’s buying the dip?

I lost my ass on the whole weedstocks craze but I’m going to start looking at going back in.

Canadian energy stocks are worse than weedstocks now. What’s out there that’s a steal right now?

I’m playing it pretty safe.

At 25,000 DOW I put in an additional 5,000 in my portfolio.

At 20,000 DOW I will put in an additional 5,000.

At 15,000 DOW I will put in an additional 10,000

If it goes lower sweet Jesus IDK what I’ll do! PUT IN MORE I GUESS!

Mostly VOO and Blue Chip Stocks, very small position in Cannabis (.5%)

Also been playing some very small options, bought puts on Disney, Deutsche Bank and Ford. My knowledge of options comes from Wallstreet Bets.

I’m getting excited honestly.

Still waiting for peak “oh shit” to pass by, regardless of DOW downside. I was thinking that would happen this week, but now the earliest I can see is next week or the week after. I’m basing that on the access to testing, which will spike reported cases. No cash infusions from me until cases spike and then begin to drop. I’m not making moves based on any fed decisions.

Consumer confidence comes out tomorrow :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh, and related I’m talking to a few different banks about mortgages. It’s interesting that they’re all getting HAMMERED with calls so much so that they’re advertising higher rates to keep customers away, lol.

WSB is predicting bottom Mid April.

On all my put options I’ve made 200+% but I only start with 100-300 bucks. It’s fun imagining if I made the same plays with 5 figures.

So much gain porn on that sub

What an incredible day! Momentum was building to close.

EDIT: Largest point gain in history :+1:

could be deadcat bounce, i’ve seen that many times on the weedstock side.

i’m sitting out for now after the weedstock butt-hurt but have cash at the ready.

Futures down 1000 and hit a stop as of 7:45pm Sunday night. The fed cutting rates to near 0 was stupid. You can’t manipulate the market into ignoring a pandemic. Hey Trump, how about you figure how to get SOME FUCKING TEST KITS OUT THERE and stop spending all your time worrying about stocks. Know why will fix the market? Showing we’re actually getting the pandemic under control.

And maybe put a guy in charge with a background in epidemiology, not a background in Jebus.

the pandemic will be long over when the financial reality sets in for most people.

i can only imagine what 2-4 weeks without work will do to people.

Rates are nuts. I just locked in at 3.125 with no points. It bought me almost $50k more house than I was expecting. A year ago I was looking at 4.75. Glad we waited!

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Where are you looking right now? I got preapproved at the beginning of March but put everything on hold now. I know they can do virtual showings but I just can’t even fathom making a commitment like that without being in person.

Northern Niagara County. We sold our house on 3.15, and looked at this one shortly after. So we were able to physically see it right before everything shut down. We got really lucky.

I rate locked on a refi a bit earlier than the bottom, then paid about $300 to break and re-lock at a lower rate. More than worth it :+1:

Yeah I am hoping that once this PAUSE is over with, the market picks up like it normally would have in spring. I didn’t want to jump on anything too early and it’s probably for the best since I would have been stuck then not being able to get my house on the market.

Pretty sure this is the right thread, lol.

Bought some Draft Kings at $24, and its been a wild ride since. Tearing up close to $29 this morning. Should I dump it today or hold long term? They are moving in the right direction even with no sports right now… thoughts?

Depends if you’re long term or not. Lots of people think it will m00n when sports re-open. I am not a gambler so I cannot tell you sir!

Profits never hurt tho, people usually recommend 25%+ to pull out.

Also I’m up 140% on my SHRMF (psychedelic stock). Sold some today. They recently made a deal to take over a bunch of ketamine therapy labs.

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Meh, floating at around 20% profit, but mega swings lately. I think i’ll hold it a bit longer.