anyone use it?
I signed up and already have 10 games to copy…err… i mean rent…
yay Xbox!
anyone use it?
I signed up and already have 10 games to copy…err… i mean rent…
yay Xbox!
i was going to but then i quit playing my ps2
x2… i have no more time for video games
x3. I have 4 xboxes and don’t play any of them.
want to give 1 of them to my kids so they will quit breaking the fucking keyboard on my pc :D:D:D:D:D
it’d be cheaper to buy an extra keyboard
they’re all modded… i have my personal one, one for my truck, a refurb i fixed, and an extra one that still needs fixing… PM me if you are interested.
I have tons of extra keyboards, me and the wife were discussing whether or not to get them something like an xbox, but she thinks they are too young (they are 3 and 2) I think that’s a perfect age for driving games
sorry for the thread hijack :love:
i have a moded v box and ps2 and i get games here for 5 bucks a piece…i just wish i could put in a bigger hd so i can save the games instead of buying the disks
My cousins played gamecube since they were that age. They are fine, and actually excell at every game. But also have a healthy ‘real world’ perception.
On the other hand, my nephew (who is 8 now and has been playing video games since at least 5) has a slightly distorted perception of reality. He talks about his video games as if they are real (most notably Zelda games). He is my nephew from marrage and is shared between my sister and his biological mom. The PS2 is how his biological mom cares for him… sit him in front of it and he is no hassle. My sister is trying to break that habit by limiting him to hardly any xbox at all.
So there is no age too young, but there is definitely kids who should be monitored/limited in what they can play.
Now back to our regularly scheduled thread…
i don’t have time for vid games either! but i like to think that i will at some point.
i rented one and burnt it this past weekend and figured it’d be worth my 20 bucks a month to burn a ton of games back them up, then drop my subscription!
There are so few games out now that look interesting to me now anyways. If something is so great, I can justify spending $5 to rent it. Or, if it’s so high and mighty, I know one of my friends will buy it. A few of my buddies go on Live religiously, so they often buy the legit game for that. But i got sick of just amassing large amounts of games for no other reason than “maybe I’ll play it”… because I never will.
I have over 100 games… and in the past year I have played:
Halo 2
and midnight club/NFSU
and Fight Night on occasion
Theres a mod and a cd for that I forget the site for it…
anyone want to make some extra money while i am home putting in a bigger hd in my xbox and isntalling divx so i can watch divx movies
I allready have a evo X mod chip installed
MAME and nester are free :dunno: i think emulators are the best, i mean i really can’t dedicate more than 10-20 minutes to a game anyways so why not bust up some nintendo or soul caliber… it’s free and fast.
i’m sure someone can help.
i agree 100%
however… i only have like… 15 or so games and i went to blockbuster to rent a movie with tehgirl and noticed thathere are at least 5 gmaes i’d like to burn… that’d be say 25 bucks whereas the gameflay rental is going to be 14 bucks and i can get more than the 5 for that price.
so that’s how i justified it… ontop of me blowing money a lot and impulsly purchasing shit… this one was sort of economically thoughtout. although i can see myself burning 100 games in 3 months and ending my subscription… no big deal!.. .
netflix is still a better deal becaus eit’s a little cheaper and it’s a little quicker… i’ll give gamefly a chance.
yup. it’ll take me less than 10 minutes. free of charge if you bring me the parts.
just let me know what you need and i can bring it over when i get home in august i will be home for a few weeks
There is no doubt this is a good deal. Especially for those of us who could turn around and immediately send them back. My buddy did exactly what you plan to do before he moved to FL. He got all the best games in his first month, which happened to be a free trial period, and that was that. I almost think this is how they intend to use it. I mean c’mon… he got 11 or 12 games that month… and never had 1 more than a day. They have to know whats up when they continuously get such a quick turn around. But once they get their $$$, what do they care?
And once you get your games, what do you care? :burnout:
and if you find any good ones, let me copy it, haha.