gary's tsi running a 10.5

not sure what his exact setup was for this run today, but it got the job done!

You retard lol

too soon junior. lol

lmao. god i suck.

hurray for youtube for taking forever to upload


1.66 60’
6.86 @ 105.26
10.51 @ 137.48

Weak sauce lol. That was the first run off the trailer no ice just race gas and 34psi still needed tuning.

my wife said: " that was so silly, it didn’t do anything cool…

like explode" she wants her 10 seconds back

I believe you are looking for the vid of emerys car


lol she needs to go for a ride to see what its about. She’s been in her voyager and your g20 too long.

lol ya i like how i only recorded ur worst run of the day

oh well I appreciate the upload anyhow. :tup:


Definitely some weak sauce!! You owe me a 9 second car!