Gas Mileage Issues..

My truck gets 14-15 at best and its alot newer.

Older v8’s never were great on gas because nobody really seemed to care about gas mileage back then. Gas was wicked cheap then too.

My brother’s '01 F150 with a 4.6 gets about 17 mpg. I think he’s got 3.55’s.

You still need that EGR?

probably that slug 305 engine…a friend of mine had a problem last week with his…computer went bad on him…it would run fine for about an hr or so then fucking die…apparently there is a problem with the placement of the computer and it tends to get moisture in it after a while and causes it to go bad…im no diagnostic professional just relaying info on what happened to a friend of mine that could possibly effect your vehicle

thats the biggest bunch of shit i have ever heard .they werent known to die for there placement .there above the glovebox near the heater box ,nice and dry

thanx gay20power:retardclap

just relaying information