GAU-8 test fire for A10

You tube has a couple of cool videos. Enjoy…

Such a bad-ass gun. The A-10 will always be one of my favorite aircraft, such an enigma of “technology” these days. :slight_smile:

Very cool. I can’t find it, but I’ve seen a picture that shows basically a cutaway of an A-10, and the gun is pretty much the length of the entire plane. They pretty much took a giant gun and built a plane around it.

When fired the gun will actually affect the airspeed of the plane.

I <3 discovery channel. :slight_smile:

30mm depleted uranium rounds. Mounted 2 degrees off-center so the firing barrel comes inline as it discharges. A 1 second burst will kill a tank dead.

The gun itself with ammo drum is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle, and yes, the aircraft was designed around the gun. It’s a tough mother too.

<3 A-10s…

And who could forget that baller titanium bathtub. :slight_smile:


30mm depleted uranium rounds


50 per second + supersonic speeds = dead before you hear it.

i was on a base when these were training. You’d see 2 puff’s of smoke come out of the plane, Hear the bullets hit the train they were using as a target, then hear that LOUD scream of the gun fire. It was one of the coolest things ive seen in person

It sounds like a fart…

Yeah, like ripping canvas. Ah, multibarrel cannons. I need one of those. make the daily commute so much more fun.

I like slow planes with guns. I really like the A10 as well its namesake the Thunderbolt. And Skyraiders, I have a special place in my plane nerd fetish for those.


I like slow planes with guns. I really like the A10 as well its namesake the Thunderbolt. And Skyraiders, I have a special place in my plane nerd fetish for those.


P-47 “Jugs” and A-1 “Sandies.” Hell yeah. Something tells me we’d get along just fine :slight_smile:

Not terribly practical but the metalstorm firing system is pretty cool


Not terribly practical but the metalstorm firing system is pretty cool


the metal storm i posted is bettar>>>>>


I like slow planes with guns. I really like the A10 as well its namesake the Thunderbolt. And Skyraiders, I have a special place in my plane nerd fetish for those.





Ah yes, nothing shooting bullets out of the sky :slight_smile:

Warthog is the nickname, it’s actually the Republic Fairchild A-10A Thunderbolt II. A lot of A models are getting bumped to C revs now.

They were actually going to kill this plane off - cooler heads prevailed.

ive got A-10s flying over my apt all the time, i’m about 10miles from a base. Definetly awesome planes.