A10 warthog

has it been decomissioned yet or is it still in service?

I think they were decommishioned then brought back for the gulf war. They have stock pile of parts planes

Yeah those are pretty much fucking amazing! I love those planes.

They are a mobile cannon. That gun is like 1/2 of the plane.

and they shoot over like 10k round/min or something rediculous

Still in service, I was talking to a guy who flys them for the Air National Guard just a few months ago.

they can only fire the gun for a few seconds otherwise it will slow the plane down!!! now thats a badass plane

its basically an air tank lol.

i was just about to say that…

pretty sure its still active… they were still training maintainers for it the last i knew

They will remain in service until the F-35A (The USAF CTOL version with a GAU-12) is introduced in 2011.

they tried to decommision it once already due to stress cracks in the wings, but none of the pilots would have it. thats when the a10’s started getting their wing retrofits and such.

there are currently no plans to retire it.

Yes there are, I just posted it, phaseout begins in 2011, and ends in 2028.

yea, saw that after i posted, then saw the google result that said the same thing … i was just to lazy to change my post, lol

Still flying.

The wing spar/box issue is being resolved with the life extension program, where they basically strip, modify and rebuild the airplane in about 4 months time.

They’re still doing upgrades to the aircraft as well. We’re making one of the pilot interface controllers for an upgrade on the A10’s (I think it’s the control for the JDAM system but I’m not 100%)

The largest contingent of A10s are based out of Whiteman Airbase in Knobnoster, Missouri. Its also the same base that houses all the stealth bombers.

My friend is actually home on leave and thats where he is stationed. If anyone knows anyone going into the airforce, tell them NOT to go there if they have a choice. He says its the worst ran base in the US.

The A10s are bad ass though.

Its also capable of flying with half the tail, one engine and half of a wing blown off.

Every Air Force plane does this… Its called depot maintenance…

I love that flying gun. I read that they had to mount the gun off center because the gatling fires as the barrel passes either 3 or 9 o’clock. Mounting the gun dead center on the plane would cause it to veer to one side when being fired.
Evidently the reverse thrust from the recoil is roughly half of the forward thrust that the engines produce.

Look at that payload… jeez, cant it fly like, under 80 knots too?