A10 warthog


They will remain in service until the F-35A (The USAF CTOL version with a GAU-12) is introduced in 2011.


There’s nothing out there that can replace the A10. JSF is not a low speed tank buster. Titanium bathtub FTW.

whee those things are fun. Got to play around with a few when i was a crew chief in the air force.

When i was training in PA last summer a hand full of these were training on the range up from me.

sweet day for me. i was shooting the 50 cal and the MK-19 watching these guys light up a old train they had as a target.

I can GUARANTEE that the a-10 is still in service… I saw a pair of them shoot up some buildings/water tower like 2 weeks ago… I have a crappy video I will post up one day if I get the time/ chance.


Yes, still in service (as mentioned). My ex-girlfriend is currently working on them at Lockheed Martin.

I can’t believe it hasn’t been said yet:
but will it take off on a treadmill?

I was reading about the gun and it exerts 5tons of reverse thrust on its high rate of fire mode.

youtube has some cool videos on it.

Yea. the gun can actually stall the aircraft lol… so its rate limited


There’s nothing out there that can replace the A10. JSF is not a low speed tank buster. Titanium bathtub FTW.


dont forget he low level troop killer too :slight_smile:

it is also called the silent killer because the bullets hit far before you hear the sound. If I was on the recieving end of that I would be terrified everytime I herd one of those planes were in the area.

this is interesting also


this is an awesome vid about the A10 and the GAU 8 gun mounted on it.

30MM bullets that are 29CM’s long!!!

The A/OA-10C Precision Engagement retrofit program is underway. Aircarft are already being delivered.

The most manly aircraft ever second only to the massive AC-130 Spectre


The A10 is way more lethal to tanks and other heavily armored targets. The AC-130’s are more for infantry and lightly armored vehicles.

^ becuase 105mm howitzer shells are meant for light armor…

No, 105’s are meant more for buildings and dismounts.

they constantly fly formations over my office and my apt, i love the way they scream when they’re flying


^ becuase 105mm howitzer shells are meant for light armor…


i was saying that because the A10 has laser guided missles/bombs more designed for hitting moving targets, ie: tanks. regardless, they’re both sweet planes i wouldn’t want to see overhead if i was the enemy.

Really shitty video. I have one more uploading right now. Sorry for the quality, but I guess that is the best we can do, haha.